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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.
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Hi mmMkitty, Thank you - I see what you mean and it does make sense. You didn't mess up at all and there is no need to apologise. I appreciate all the trouble you have gone to to help me to understand. What you say makes sense... but somehow my fear keeps telling me that I am in danger... I try to do the suggested things of mask wearing (even outside) social distancing and I am vaccinated. Sometimes all I hear are the negative things for eg how people who are vaccinated get covid and are really sick, how Europe cases are skyrocketing even with their vaccinations ... so I fear that this will happen to me too. Tomorrow I have an in person Drs appointment and I am not feeling good when I think of it. But I will go and hope that I don't feel anxious all day. Thank you again for your explanation. I will try to think of this when I become afraid of being anywhere near people. I hope that things are going ok with you :)))))
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Hi Kitty and all
COVID has certainly shaken up our friendships i.e. feelings around doing the lions share of the work, feeling reaching out and being supportive of others but this not being reciprocated, feeling can't express how really feel and ask for support as "everyone is going through a hard time" etc.
You make good points regarding getting people to meet up virtually. Despite all the wonderful resources provided by Zoom and other common video conferencing platforms (videos, screen shots, instructions) some weren't willing to click on that link and give it a go. Or the "I'm all Zoomed out" excuse.
As you say hopefully now that things are opening up more online activities and group will start doing face to face activities again.
I tend to target local activities to make it easy to catch up i.e. a 10 mins trip up the street for the 30 minute coffee rather than a 90 mins journey either way for which has to end up being a longer visit to make the travel time worthwhile and thus the catchup doesn't happen.
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I see some talk around the vaccinated and those who are deciding not to be vaccinated. It has become such a divisive issue. Also varying preferences around activities people feel safe or unsafe doing.
I'm happy to see unvaccinated people, and with their LGA/5kms zone need to travel to their LGA, but they have to also respect my needing to keep within current health guidelines. Current health orders in NSW state only vaccinated people have the new freedoms and unvaccinated need to remain under lockdown conditions meaning no visitors to the home, restricted to 5 kms from home or within local LGA, only allowed to go into essential services and only allowed to undertake exercise or recreation with one other person. The vaccinated are also bound to not visit/have visit unvaccinated people and only gather in groups of 2 outdoors. For example I'd be happy to suggest to an unvaccinated friend I come up and see them at an outdoors picnic place/beach close to a takeaway Cafe (being considered an essential service to purchase a meal and coffee) as that's within the health orders. However I need to feel confident that the confines of my situation is respected i.e. no pressure to just meet at their place, pop back to their place etc.
For those who are happy to come in contact with unvaccinated people legally how are you finding navigating the situation.
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Kind regards,
Sophie M
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HI Elizabeth,
I'm so sorry to read you and your husband are having your health impacted by Corona Virus issues. It is such a huge situation to try to understand all around the world, the impact on our health can be detrimental to wellness.
I hope you are able to find answers, help, care and the attention you both need at this time.
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Saw a news clip today and apparently a lot European are heading back into lock downs and may well be right through Christmas. Also the UK , still getting 40k cases a day , the equivalent to us getting 10k a day.
God l thought it was all over os , apart from the UK.
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Hi Elizabeth CP,
The knock-on impacts upon people's lives have been so awful, but I do get really angry when I know some people would have other people, ('cause they don't think anything will happen to themselves) suffering as a result of reckless behaviour & careless attitudes. I'm sort of stunned, really, how much some people will suffer because the hospital system is so under stress, & people can't get treatment they've already waited months or even years for, only to wait longer ...One of my own neighbours has had his scheduled treatments cancelled three times. & he's not a well man at all.
I don't know what we are supposed to do while people are out there protesting their rights over the rights others have to be able to live & move in society & to get health care, without feeling they & their familwill be at greater risk, ..so, I'm rambling a bit, I'm cranky about it, I would like to ask them, what about your rights & the rights of your hubby, when do your needs matter enough for some people to get the vaccines, (provided they can(, & not be adding to the already overburdened social systems, which, remember, support them too?!
I am just so sorry, Elizabeth & hubby. I can only hope my virtual hugs mean something. Not enough, I know.
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Hi mmMekitty,
Yes some people forget about the social contract. It's not just about them but about not harming other people.
Getting vaccinated helps protect others and our health care system.
I wish this was being talked about more on the media, that it's not just about protecting yourself.
I'm sorry for people having their surgery postponed.
I hope you are keeping OK there. 🙂