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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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There are some other helpful discussions taking place here within our forum community that you may find helpful to read or participate in: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/hi-there-i-only-just-joined-and...
This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.
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Hi Meforcats,
I've noticed I do spend more when shopping for my food, partially because I discover products I didn't know existed, &,sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me, & I think,it's easy, click & I've done it! It's in my 'trolly'. Too easy. If I could find other things I want, I think I woul spend more on the things buying them online than I would when in a shop.
I have written more about myself & my avatar, which
is a photo of Mekitty, the cat I had, here:
& more & about other pets, here:
Maybe you’d like to contribute some stories of your own?
🐱Paws crossed, I made live links - I'm not confident.
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Yep l think that's about it matchy. We're just nannystated into oblivion true to form as usual l think.
Must be the only country in the world that lock down whole states for one case.
At anyrate , haven't watched news since Thurs l think , Sunday night now, so no clue what's goin on and it's nice.
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Hi Added
Milly lies on me all the time. I love seeing the dogs outside. I usually stop and and ask what sort they are and their names. I saw a little French Bulldog who was under a year old. He was so cute and small. And a mini sausage dog called Olive. ☺
I've been going out everyday for takeaway lunches and a chat to cafe bosses. I also walk around Eastland most days. That helps me. I'm a bit anxious about going back to the gym, pottery and dancing. And mixing. My bubble buddy is coming over tomorrow. I hope our numbers don't go up too much when we open up. I feel sorry for the hospital workers. They must be exhausted. Take care while you start going out. Gradually.
I sang to Milly for you. 😸
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I can't help buying books online. And I've bought shoes as well.
Your stories are very entertaining. I love haikus and yours was lovely. Oh my you've had sooo many animals over the years. I'm glad that meKitty came back. So you're from USA? I've lived in Melbourne all my life except for 2 months in Papua New guinea and 2 months in Darwin. I feel deprived of animals after reading your stories. I live alone so Milly is good company and one pet at a time is enough for me. Did you say you painted? I used to go to an Art class until the middle of last year. Acrylic and watercolour. I sold one to a friend. That was exciting. Now I go to a pottery class when I'm out of lockdown.
Have a good day today. Meow!!
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I hear u rx and Mark. Thanks, it was nice to hear Ur views during this wild time,
News is lockdown in Vic is surprisingly ending, it's startling news. I'm confused myself where I'm at, what day it is, and what the rules are. This lockdown really confused me.
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Yeah certainly is a wild crazy time isn't it .
l dunno what's happening with our so called opening up only started listening to a news today, for 1 minute, until the number came out. l thought ok, that's it, l don't wanna know and flicked that off button .
My daughter said something about his 11.59 Friday night though, she wasn't sure either avoids most of it. And wth is this 11.59 rubbish anyway, why don't they just say bloody midnight for crying out loud. At any rate , the number today was enough for me , l'd say any opening will be very very minor. But they don't normally give any detail much until the day anyway bc so much can change in a few days.
Did l hear him say in the 6ths lockdown las time so that'd mean this is the 7th, or did l get that wrong. Surely we couldn't be up to number 7 but whatever it is hope your managing everyone.
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Hi Sleepy, & everyone,
It sure has got confusing, & I have tried to keep up! I regularly check my local State's website. Once I found where the updates were, I made that page a 'favourite', so I could go there directly to (for me), see if the restrictions on mask wearing was relaxed or not yet.
Some of the decisions about what is & isn't permitted, & where & where not have seemed inconsistent to me.
I think, finally, I begin to feel I can relax more myself. The only COVID-19 around SE Q is in lockdown. Provided no-one from there manages to take their infection oout into the community, going lots of places, I think I can go out.
I discovered today, finally, on Qld Human Rights Commission's website, I DON'T have to have a medical certificate, or letter (not even the one I have), because I DON'T have to prove that I do have a legitimate reason, such as what is listed, for my not wearing a mask. Plus, staff, anyone in the shop or of the public, has no right to even ask why I claim my exemption.
Unless I have read the information wrong, the Police may be called to help settle any argument. But even so, they cannot ask specifically why I claim my exemption. They, too, have to take my word for it. They should not even issue me with a fine. If that happens, the advice it to go to the Human Rights Commission for help. If I was to be state that I refuse to wear one, because I didn't want to, or for any other reason not falling into what the allowable exemptions, then, they can fine me. I suppose I could not stay at the premises either.
The information for business owners is more complicated. I get the sense, though, respect for the laws against discrimination are paramount. If they can make some arrangement for me to visit their business, perhaps even out doors, or at times specifically reserved for people who cannot wear masks, (like when grocery stores had pensioners going at 7am! Well, I knew a few who went so early.)
I guess, by the time I figure it out, it may well be over!
One thing was clear, the shop staff cannot make a blanket ban on people who cannot wear masks. I wonder if that will be the case for people who are not vaccinated? I think so, because, in the end, it's about respecting human rights. We will have to accept a little more risk into our lives.
But, I could be mistaken. Everyone here, you still need to get advice for you, about your own situation.
You gotta dig though! I think that the biggest problem is finding the info we need.
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Hi Meforcats,
I wonder if you wouldn't mind continuing to chat on my own thread, & leave this threadfor dicussion about how we're coping with COVID-19?
Here's the link again:
I'd love to hear more about Milly, there.
& I'm thinking you'll hear from the Clinic soon. But if you don't in Tuesday or Wednesday, I'd recommend phoning them.