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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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@quirky : You know, everytime we did the video call to the grandparents, my son would always ask when we were going to visit. I told him that we can't even go to canberra (where his friend moved to last year), let's alone oversea. He would say "I hates corona virus". He now also knows that the rona was here when we told him that that we couldn't go out and had to stay at home. My parenting could have been "better" if i told him that "it is to keep everyone safe". But the truth is that I would be lying if i said so. Going out for a walk doesn't bother pass on the virus to anyone. I feel bad to put that "fear" into him. But that's the status of our life is right now......press conference day in and out. Who to blame? People seem to like it. When NSW premier didn't want to do everyday press conference, it created an outcry.
@rx: well, some countries are still running that fear (i don't blame them as their hospitals are still stretched). But in many countries, life is fairly normal like covid doesn't even exist. Vax rate is high in those countries, though. They still have the usual mask and restrictions. My friend told me that she got a new job, signed up team sport for everyone at home. And just had family visiting from another country in europe. Wow...so much hope. Here, doom and gloom every day.
@moonstruck: QLD and WA can join the club. Fear campaign every day. 20 months?! I'm not even sure what else to look forward anymore. We were told that the premier might reconsider re-opening the interstate border by xmas when we reach 80-90 vax rate. You hear it, "reconsider". Given how things go here, i would like to be proved wrong that 80pc is even possible. NT premier said that covid would take off even at 80% vax rate. And QLD, even vaccinated people would still pass it on...hmm....such a doom statement while trying to convince QLD people to get jabbed at the same time. Now, can everyone please focus on hospitalisation? Stop obsessing with the case number. I'm tired of it.....
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Thanks luna , very interesting . It's hard to get a good picture of what goes on around the world and in too many places in all this because there's so much reading involved for ea one and there's a lottttt of countries.. But yeah , l do have a few friends in different parts of Europe and the US and they've all mostly been back to life a long time now, traveling, holidays, international, pretty well everything from what l can tell.
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Yep rx, BF said no one ever mentions C19 in his circles or in the news he reads, except our friends pass on their sympathies to me and my family for what they read we're going through here - and the rest.
that's in the U.S.
He said the only change he's noticed is people wearing masks at airports. He travels every week or more to different states for his work. Seldom do labs even ask him to have a C19 test to enter the premises now.
And there you go.
I actually forgot about Covid for a whole 3 days last week, a few days this week too lol.
Maybe it was because we had our first week in AGES that we weren't all told to get tested via close contacts of close contacts of close contacts on and on - meaning NO close contacts for us. Yet we did what we were told.
Sorry for the cost of all those futile tests future generations.
And so much for preparing for numbers to go UP here as I've heard in the rhetoric passed on to me via my kids and we shrug.
They closed down the only C19 testing tent near us.
We'd have to drive about 20mins to the next nearest one now. Ok!
I don't even try to make sense of any of it anymore.
I spoke to 2 ppl from Qld in the past week and neither of them WANT to open the Qld borders to NSW, only 2 people but there it is.
Not before Christmas, not until "Covid is under control" whatever that means.
The cockatoos and kookaburras are flying all around on this pleasant crisp morning.
My garden beckons me to join nature.
Have a beautiful day everyone,
love EMxxxx
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Hi awesome people
Maybe the main stream media is not making logical sense.... How can covid cases be everywhere if so so many people are vaccinated now. I am not sure of the percentage. But isn't the vaccine meant to protect you from getting covid. Sorry just not understanding.
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Hi Shell,
People can still catch covid when double vaxed but the chances are very much reduced... vaccinated people are also less likely to spread it to very many people because they will get such a mild case.... what the vaccines protect against is getting severe covid & needing to go to hospital or dying... it also reduces the risk of getting long covid... all the vaccinated people who have still ended up in icu have had serious underlying health issues which have reduced the effectiveness of the vaccine for them.
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I am extremely anxious ad feeling hopeless. I feel really upset at the selfish people who ignore the rules and then spread Covid to unsuspecting people while the rest of us do our best to follow the rules. My dtr lives and works in a hot spot. She runs a health clinic but constantly worried about having to close when her hsb or her become a close contact either at the shops or from a patient. She is probably typical of the many small business owners struggling to keep afloat with reduced business due to restrictions but still the same overheads and the constant threat of becoming an exposure site even when doing everything right.
My hsb has a chest infection (not Covid) His GP told him to go to ED as he has deteriorated since he was seen and prescribed antibiotics. I was shocked to arrive at the hospital to find them setting up huge tents outside presumably to manage the influx of patients. (It is a small hospital so has not been affected by Covid up till now. The waiting room was full with people having already waited for many hours in the waiting room. It took ages to see the triage nurse. I had to leave him on his own as it was too crowded for me to stay.. If it is that bad at our small local hospital I hate to think what the major hospitals are like.
We have both been vaccinated so unlikely to get really sick from Covid but I'm concerned that my hsb won't be able to get decent health care while Covid is such a problem. Every person who needs health care for non Covid issues are no longer able to get the care they need. I feel overwhelmed at the thought of coping over the next few months.
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Hi Elizabeth CP,
I am so sorry to hear you are feeling like this as well - I also find it very hard to understand what is happening with many people in the community ignoring rules put there to keep everyone safe and get us out of lockdown sooner so that businesses can get back to some sort of normal and so we can all see our loved ones without risks.
I hope your hbd will be ok and that he can get the health care he needs.. take care
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Sorry for everyone's problems atm , it's such a crazy time must be so hard for so many with so many different things.
l'm also so worried for businesses , they can't hold out any longer , 19mths of this. l've had a business 25 yrs l know how hard it can be but getting through this for them , , just sad. l feel selfish that mine's not effected butttt, it's obviously also a good thing for others that aren't too thk God.
Just wondering
Does anyone know wth all these new Vic cases come from today , hth did they nearly double in one day . Maybe the demo's ? It'd be close to time any effect they'll have come in about now.
Seems crazy , locked down all this time yet this.
Hi Elizabeth CP,
I am so sorry to hear you are feeling like this as well - I also find it very hard to understand what is happening with many people in the community ignoring rules put there to keep everyone safe and get us out of lockdown sooner so that businesses can get back to some sort of normal and so we can all see our loved ones without risks.
I hope your hbd will be ok and that he can get the health care he needs.. take care
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