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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak

We recognise that many of us here in the community are feeling scared, worried and overwhelmed about Coronavirus (COVID19). 

As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space. 
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected. 
The Beyond Blue Support Service is available via phone 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via beyondblue.org.au/get-support for online chat. 
There are some other helpful discussions taking place here within our forum community that you may find helpful to read or participate in: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/hi-there-i-only-just-joined-and... 

This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.  
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Community Member

I find one of the best ways to cope during this outbreak is to find some time to go outside and get some fresh air and sun. It's honestly so much more helpful than it seems! Go for a walk, a run, or just read a book outside.

Theres something really therapeutic about it that just helps with your mental health!

If you haven't already, give it a go!

You'd love my place then. Been here 5yrs, lived in a lot of places , never have l felt one as magical as this place the second you step out into the yards and daylight. lt's not flash or expensive,pretty old actually.What's left of the old fencing is falling down and flapping in the wind, roof iron bangs all night long in the wind , l probably paid for the whole place what most people put down as their deposit these days. But outside, there's just something about it, everyone that comes here comments .

No matter what sort of a mess your in , outside here is literally medicine to the soul.


Community Member

this victorian lockdown has been the hardest for me so far. school has been going fine, and holidays just started now for me.

im having issues with my family, firstly my parents are currently in a spat and don't want to talk to each other. i would be able to cope if there wasn't a lockdown as school would keep me occupied, but now that school is out, i'm stuck at home living in a toxic environment and with no way out. plus, i'm getting worried with the covid situation and one of my parents are wanting me to wait a month before getting the vaccine. take into account that they're quite the conservative asian subcontinent family, and i can't openly talk about my mental health. if i am to do so, it might start an argument between my parents that '(the other parent) is upsetting my child', even though it is both of them at this point.

i know my situation isn't as bad as some others, but with 2 weeks of holidays with nothing to occupy me, i don't see it going up from here.

i'm also a bit jealous of my friends who have families that they're doing movie nights, game nights etc and its hard to not think 'why don't i have a family like that?' if anyone could give me any tips, it would be much appreciated.

Community Member

Tbh , listening today, for as long as l could stomach it anyway, 10 mins, our so called road map out. Nothing new same as NS really , l mean what else can they do l suppose.

But this whole thing , what it's done and still here , still doing, it's just mind boggling. Yaknow , as if last yr wasn't a twilight zone enough, but to be still on going. Tbh l expected the whole thing to just fizzle out this yr , the Spanish flu did and most of the others have. lt just doesn't seem possible this high tech world at ransom like this in this day and age. l was almost fine last yr , it didn't effect us much where l am , although mind blowing nonetheless and it did get scary at times too in Vic for sure. But at this stage after all this time and what people businesses school kids lives are still going through, no words.

Maybe next yr it fizzles , surely it can't be the only one in history that l know of anyway , to just not go away.


Hi anonymouszebra

Welcome to the forums and good on you for having the courage to post.....you are strong!

I had the same family dynamic when I was young and yes it can be awful to experience..ugh

Can I ask why you were told to wait a month before getting vaccinated? ...I dont understand why

The forums are a safe and non judgmental place for you to post. You are most welcome to start your own thread and you will have more replies by doing so. (to the questions you have asked)

Thankyou for being a part of the Beyond Blue family anonymouszebra


Hey rx

I feel the same

I don't get the curfew , there's nothing open and nowhere to go anyway, so it's annoying

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi rx,

You summed it up very well. We just can't go on like this. Apparently on November 5th people can return to work if fully vaxed. Interesting, as I know the receptionists at my office don't want it but have said they'd get it if they had no choice. I know a few where I work that really don't want it.,including my colleague. She has whinged all year about wanting to WFH as she lives an hour away. She feels they should accommodate her choice to live there. I prefer when she's not in the office. She comes across all sugary sweet but She can be not very nice. I wonder if she'll use this to er advantage stay at home and how will the company feel about this? We knew it would come to this. I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out.

Cmf x

Community Member
Totally get the medical anxiety thing. Hope you are going ok now.

I don't understand the problem with the curfew. If you need to work eg police ambos etc you still work. If you have to leave due to an emergency you can leave. Otherwise why do you need to go out at night since you can't visit people or go to entertainment venues etc. The curfew just makes it easier to stop people breaking the restrictions as they can make excuses-I'm going to the shop or for exercise when they are actually meeting up with friends.

I am struggling with the knowledge that these increasing numbers mean more people in hospital so people like my husband with other medical conditions may not be ale to get the care they need. Doctors & nurses are human so they can't work effectively if they are really overstretched. I am assuming my hsb's planned surgery will be delayed maybe until next year. I just hope he doesn't get sick in the meantime because it won't be safe for him to go to hospital. I try o reassure myself that I've done all I can to keep safe. We are both fully vaccinated but that doesn't address all the other issues.

Community Member
Thanks Needleina .. today I am struggling, yesterday I was doing great. I just can't work out why one day I feel so terrible and then for no apparent reason that I can work out I feel OK... thanks so much for checking with me :)) Are you doing OK?