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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak

We recognise that many of us here in the community are feeling scared, worried and overwhelmed about Coronavirus (COVID19). 

As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space. 
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected. 
The Beyond Blue Support Service is available via phone 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via beyondblue.org.au/get-support for online chat. 
There are some other helpful discussions taking place here within our forum community that you may find helpful to read or participate in: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/hi-there-i-only-just-joined-and... 

This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.  
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Hi sleepy , well done then eh.

And l mean too, how silly are we gonna feel if we went and caught covid when there's a vax right.

Glad you feeling better hope your getting some sleep. l hate the thought of what's in it myself that's my thing, wonder if anyone even knows. Still , if it works well ! That and l just hate anything to do with medical.

God on you anyway sleep good for you.


Community Member
Yes, it really is, but you have done well getting your vaccination and I hope you are feeling ok and maybe even feeling better that you have done it... mine is booked in a couple of weeks - will be getting it at my local GP... I am nervous, but know that I must do it so I can start to feel safe.

Community Member

Strange , saw news a clip tonight where a lot of medics and ambulance drivers refuse to get vaxed , wonder why that is !


I've worked in hospitals most of my life and I've known doctors and nurses who refused to get treatment themselves when they needed it.

There's always a mix of opinions in any group of people I reckon.

I wouldn't read anything into it. Same thing happened in a the USA with some First Responders.

Funny thing. Just googling something about the vax and people do ask what's in it. And they have a list of the ingredients right there of what's in them.


Hi RandomX

There is so much about Covid on the net, some probably true, some highly likely try, some true and some not. My experience with Google is you can find anything you want to support your headspace at the time. I wear my Google Queen crown with pride lol.
I did read all about what was in the vax and I googled side effects and what the side effects were cause somethings I’d never heard of.
Right now as you can imagine I’m googling for people’s actual experiences as a result of the vax. I can find so much about blood clots cause that’s what I’m concerned about. But I took a moment also and noticed so many people not saying they had it - but I don’t read those cause I’m in stressed mode.
Feeling physically fine except for a sore arm now after my vax.
When I got my vax I asked to see the phial the dose came from but was told it wasn’t possible due to hygiene and storage. The syringe did have a tag on it of batch, date etc and the nurse let me photograph that.
You do whatever makes you feel right about getting your vax. I’m not advocating not going ahead with it but I am saying do it on your own time. I’m also saying good on you cause I know how hard tackling our anxieties are. Treat yourself kindly.

Hi how you doin.

Haaa, don't worry l have about as much faith in Mr Google as l would a house brick. Matter of fact the house brick is probably more reliable , l know. Was just saying it was there , true or not don't know or care tbh but who knows in this instance, jsut scanned it over about .100th of a second.

But yeahhhh, the problem is if l did what l think then l wouldn't get vaxed, can't explain it but my gf feels the same . l wasn't checking that out though what will be will be on that front. l have very reliable sites l use if l do wanna know anything Covid or stats , which l really only check out the stats now and then tbh and that's only bc of friends in a few different countries. And what news clips we get here that might interest me for some reason or other , if l just happen to notice one those, bout it really.

Atm l do like to get the numbers each day right now bc l'm hoping for an improvement but I keep it very short and not so sweet though. Mind you , at a few points last yr there it all become just so unbelievable about what was actually happening , for awhile there l was glued l must admit.

Thanks for that anyway and l hope everyone are getting by.


Community Member

Hi Rx, yes I heard that too, but I didn't go into it deeply, because for me, I know that I must get the vaccine or live with unbearable fear for ... who knows how long. Now that I've made up my mind, I'm sticking to it because the indecision doesn't help.

I think we all have to do what feels right for us.. I hope you are feeing Ok and coping ok with any anxiety levels you may have.


Community Member

CMF - this is exactly what I did, its interesting to read that others feel exactly the same as I have... and that is just what my Dr has said - everyone is in the same boat feeling the same things..... and it helps to know this :))


Community Member

Hi Added.....

I hope you will not take offence at this, but I have to say I can't agree with "everyone is in the same boat and are all feeling the same things".

From the many folk, friends, family and casual acquaintances I have spoken to, either in depth or more casually, it is obvious that we are all feeling vastly different emotions and are poles apart in whatever "boat"we are in.