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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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There are some other helpful discussions taking place here within our forum community that you may find helpful to read or participate in: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/hi-there-i-only-just-joined-and...
This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.
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Hello Dear Anne, Moonstruck...and everyone...🤗 hugs..
Please do not loose hope that things will get better with this pandemic and the world as it is today...While we are breathing their is always hope....Please keep your hope alive...so many billions of people are hoping along with us all here....hope will eventually win....
The world and it’s inhabitants...people, creatures, trees, plants the sun, moon and sky has always come through what has been thrown at it....We will get through this as well.....
Turn off your radios and TV...have a big break from social media and each day that you wake up..grab it and enjoy it the best you can...with being mindful of every thing you do...Today is your day to enjoy...today is not a day to be anxious over what COULD happen tomorrow , next week or even next month....Today you are breathing, you are alive and so is nature...enjoy the sun if you can...Why ruin today and not live it because of anxiety for tomorrow?....
We are all in this together...with the grace of Mother Nature, and spirituality we can get through this...day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.....We are all the wonder of hope...the strength of hope...the future of our hope...We are one with each and every human on the planet....We are the planet, the universe, we are one...💚🦋🌈🕊...
Today is a day to enjoy...I hope that you all can put aside your fears, find your hope and have a beautiful day....
Hugs to anyone that needs them....You are all awesome and beautiful people...
Kind thoughts to you all.
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Dearest Grandy
Thankyou. I really needed to read that! I'll have one of your wonderful hugs thankyou... ahhh that's better lol!!
You always bring SPRING TIME to others. I really appreciate your loving words of comfort, strength and wisdom.
We're in quarantine. Just had tests. They've prioritised our tests as my family are all "essential workers".
Not that I think that;s especially fair to the people who need to leave home to buy food for themselves and their children or anyone else for that matter, everyone needs to leave home at some point. I think.
I'll let you all know what the results are.
Since lock down we've all been working extraordinary hours. I'm on a Salary so no over time which is fine.
We've gotta do what we've got to do for our Community.
I'm grateful I HAVE a job.
Many Blessings to all whatever you're going through right now.
Remember what Grandy said "Where there is breath, there is hope" and we can keep hope alive, even if it's when we save an earthworm or plant a seed. Any thing we can do, big or little, that helps us smile is worthwhile.
Love EMxxxx
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Thank you Grandy for your words... sometimes I find it very hard to believe that we will get out of this and often feel very despondent about the things we are all going through... but you are right we must continue to have hope.
I suffer from health anxiety and of course covid has played right into this. My anxiety is so high with scary physical symptoms and I am sure so many are feeling similiar. My fear has stopped me getting the AZ vaccine but thankfully a local Dr has put me on his waiting list to get the Pfizer in a few weeks time. In the meantime I live in fear that I will catch the virus. I know that there are so many people with huge problems and fear throughout this time.
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l'm at a bit of a loss with some of the stuff they're saying.
like hospital and staff shortages. l mean it ain't good in NS but it's nothing compared to what other countries went through and only some of the cases are in hospital not all of them. And they've had 18mths, 18mths to prepare in case there were new spreads. Sweden half our population , last l looked 350,000 cases , it'd be 100k more now. They managed and there were plenty of others like Greece and others. l mean all we hear about is how good we are and Australian standards rubbish and on and on usually, yet they can't even prepare for what really , are nothing numbers compared, in 18mths. They're still squabbling about quarantine facilities l mean are you kidding me, 18,ths later. Think there's only one state that even has one and it's up in the top of the NT 4000k from nowhere. They haven't even started one in Vic yet, 18mths, or QLD, not sure about others. l mean these things should've been done 12mths ago . Business are going down left and right , peoples lives and livelihoods are on hold or kaput all over the country every 5mins, MH. Kids and school and courses,my daughters waited 2yrs by Christmas and now she doesn't even know if she'll finally be able to start it in Feb 22. No one can come and go os, we're basically still at a stand still when countries all over the world that had it 100 fold worse than us are out there and back into it living, open and done long ago and still handling 1000s of cases a day.
No wonder people have had enough of this rubbish.
Sorry Grandy it was nice to hear a positive post and appreciated , but l'm afraid l'm just not feeling it right now.
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I agree with you RX. I’m finding it really difficult to be positive right now.
Tiring of people telling us what we have to be grateful for. Wake up daily feeling like I own a life not worth living and yet somehow I am supposed to feel warm and fuzzy because the sun is shining.
Doesn’t stack up from where I’m standing.
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Hey Elizabeth CP, no word about any Govt food parcels here in NSW. NB: we are NOT in Sydney.
There could be, somewhere, but not heard of Govt organising anything like that here.
I asked my eldest daughter to bring food to our family yesterday, so she did.
Yes, thinking positively... WHEN our tests return negative, we can go get food ourselves again.
My Church and another one I know of, have been delivering food parcels during LD. Contactless drop offs.
These are the places I've told the families I work with to contact when they're stuck.
Rx and Rupes, it's totally understandable you feel "over it all". I think we all are tbh!
I don't pretend to have the answers but it doesn't alleviate my anxiety or depressive feelings wrangling with all that.
All I can do and encourage my kids to do is STAY out of trouble! Stay within the guidelines. Do what we're told.
Thinking positively is the ONLY thing keeping me and my kids going. I can't let my kids or clients at work down by falling in a heap - where would they all be then?
My MH can't afford to get lead away on fruitless paths.
Basically thinking positively has gotten ppl through many trials in the past. Thinking negatively is a downward spiral we have to stop, it only leads us further downwards.
Vent, let it out, do whatever you need to do.
Then realise what's WITHIN your control and focus on that.
More power to everyone!
Love and many Blessings
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hi everyone,
does anyone else feel blurry?
time is moving at such a weird pace
lockdowns suck, i hear u all, Rx and thinking of u EM .
ive never felt so lonely, and i haven't hugged anyone for a month
it does help me to think of what i do have, and i'm grateful to those who have gently pointed me to do that
i have safety and clothes and shops and i can still go out and walk in the park and find what i need in stores,
i'm blessed also to have choices, to live in this country where we can choose and have rights, and i'm blessed to know how to ask for what i need.
i do worry about all that is suppressed sometimes, all the tears ppl can't cry, because we want to be strong for each other.
ppl always say that in melbourne we should be used to lockdowns by now, we've done it before.
but from those i speak to, before was different. we felt we would get through it if we locked down quick and fast, we had a common goal and were egging each other on. one year later with things the same or maybe worse, we feel flat and hurt.
so although we got through it before, it's not the same situation.
i'd like to think though, much has improved since last time.
weve learnt along th way!!
the best for me that i've learnt lately is not to bottle it up. i have had renewed fears lately about covid and have sought support from my friends. As EM also remnided me earlier with her intuitive care and kindness, we can't do it on our own.
As times get tougher, I need people more.
There is a lot of pressure on some of us right now, and it is so tough! it's talking through it here and IRL that is getting me through it. Lots of ppl have found some nifty ways of coping which i'm intrigued by. sorry and listening to those who have also had enough.. what a traumatic time... sending hugs and virtual care packages, with all ur favourite treats
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Yeah , sorry to come on here in a downer, people don't need it right now l know . It should be easier by now in ways l suppose not like we haven't been there. They're all just so hair trigger with these damn lock downs though and 19mths, wth.
Surely there are other ways by now, still spinning us their bs day in and out after all this time . Heart goes out to Melb and some of our regional , Sydney and NS.
At least people are getting their shots l suppose anyway , lets hope that makes a difference eventually.
Can;t really complain up where l am compared honestly , but things are just all different lately that's the thing, it's getting into everyone's minds you feel it. Even the servo up the road has given up with their mask cartoons on the window everyday. No wonder people in the hard hit areas are struggling .
But anyway yeah , l suppose we've gotta find the goods, for our own well being and psyche. My Saturday night pizzas help , with triple cheese pineapple and garlic , mannnnn. lf you can't get to a pizza shop the supermarkets have 3 pack specials, some of them aren't bad, you can take them home and load it up with your favorites and a movie. l look forward to Sat night all wk now haha.
There ya go, try the rx solution.
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Hello all, I am wondering if anyone can tell me how they cope with the fear and anxiety created by the virus. What sort of coping mechanisms are you using. I do breathing, journaling, and get outside as much as I can. Sometimes I simply go for a drive and park and stay in the car and look at the water. (Luckily we don't live too far from the beach)
These things usually help, but lately I am incredibly anxious and my physical anxiety symptoms are quite terrifying - sleep is suffering too.
I'd love to hear how others cope.
Thanks J