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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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For out this situation is depressing
I may get tested myself as I have a cold , tend to panic when cases increase and start having I,gained symptoms,s. The panic ATM is scary and affects mood. I am most badly affected when it's a depressing, dark day. That combined with lockdowns feels suffocating.
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Hey topsy, how are are you today! Are you and your h okay?Scary to have cases nearby, but love your attitude. Stay safe x
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Does anyone want to to talk about something other than lockdowns?
I have found Ted talks again and I like the range of topics.
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Yes please quirky! lol.
Which Ted Talks have you enjoyed? Gosh there are so many aren't there?
My fave is any of Brene Brown's ones again.
My latest hero as of last night lol, is Rob Greenfield.
I found him on YouTube but saw he had a Ted Talk too.
He has so many clips on his YT channel and I love all of them.
Funny we see so many people with surnames that define their chosen paths or passions.
GREEN field and he's a greeny.
Before my nap, I saw something of his that said he was an ex substance abuser / recovering alcoholic.
I find these people VERY interesting indeed.
I like to know WHAT led them to their path of recovery.
We had a floor polisher once a long time ago and his name was Ben SHINE. Lol wow.
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The presser was literally painful to watch today. Not that you sit there right through it you only need 5mins if that to see what's going on. But tbh , l dunno if these guys talk to us the way the do or it;s the media that need the repetition . My God Dan must've repeated numbers and vax details 10 times, maybe more , then the media turn round and ask him about the exact thing he's just repeated 10 or more times. And they just keep it goin , if you ever sit through 30mins of it , they have the chance to ask the premier of a state something worthwhile but yet, instead they just bang on asking the same damn things he's just spent 15mins explaining and repeating as if talking to a kindergarten . l mean they're practically the terms they explain thing in, yet these damn media still can't understand it.
All l can say is thank the Gods it's not the peoples taxes paying media .
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Ben Shine the floor polisher eh , classic.
When l was a painter and l still yet to this day, always thought Picasso's name was literally birthed sometime moons before, for the man himself. l envied it so much. l mean if you were a painter could you even dream of such a name that just says something like Picasso does. Well , apart from say Vincent Van Gough, what a name, or Mikael Angelo, but Picasso !
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Feeling powerless and hopeless.
Nothing you do can make a difference.
You need to be compliant, make yourself smaller, to submit to the ‘rules’. Because this is for your own good.
No amount of being angry changes its course.
If you have an opinion that it shouldn’t be like this, you are dangerous. Or reminded that you have it good, much better than others.
You are threatened that if you don’t comply you will lose the privilege you do have.
Your day to day lived experience is determined by the behavior of others. If they make him angry, you will pay the price - even if YOU followed the rules.
…even if you do EVERYTHING he asked of you, he still says it’s your fault, and there are consequences.
You feel the burden of the constant threat lingering at your door.
It’s an endless cycle that you must endure - zone out, exist through, and then every time it’s over you’re just expected to pick up and act like all is fine and normal and be grateful for your ‘freedom’.
All the while just waiting for the axe to drop again.
Read it again. But this time, The title is: Childhood Sexual Abuse.
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Bit of a gripe and also a worry , and l'm sorry if that sets others anxiety off, l don't want to do that that's for sure , but where else can l talk about it.
Firstly , wth are we even locked down up in the sth west anyway, the nearest case is 200k away. Screams overkill.
But l'm in so 2 minds now too. PM banging on about opening up and living with it after we're vaxed. Yeah l've watch other countries doing just that 8mths now , some even last yr refusing to lock down. And tbh if lock downs don't fix it after once or twice then many a time l've thought yeah to hell with it , l'd rather we're free again and we live with it.
l dunno though just lately , maybe it's having our people use their scare tactics so long now and with all our lock downs , we've been sheltered from the reality these days of actually living with it , it's all gotten into our psyche's but, l must admit, not all that crazy about the living with it idea anymore, vaxed or not.But l've had enough of damn lock downs too.