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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.
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I still don't feel well. It is not as bad as before but it is still not good at all. I still trudge through most days doing the same things, I still get angry and sad at random, my sleep is still all over the place (I think its pandemic induced insomnia) and every day feels like deja vu.
I still can't stop reading everything. Modelling suggesting that the state north of me will suffer thousands of cases a day by next month, that this entire country will suffer incursions and rolling lockdowns until next year. All because of 10 days of waiting. And of course, ideologues and cynics are still trying to feed me nonsense about how certain people will never get what they ask for and how a certain man will control everything...
And the mere facts laid down before me that the only thing driving up everyone to get vaccinated is fear of dying from Covid feels like an unanimous indictment of how far we have fallen, really....
Sorry for the rambling, I just needed to get this down on paper.
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I can’t even cope with responding to friends texts or calls any more. People I really care about are tearing each other apart on politics, ‘dobbing’ and competitive loss.
I’m not ‘coping’ in the coronavirus outbreak. When are they going to see the ‘cure’ is worse than the virus.
I don’t care about myself any more, Im such a lost cause. But I’m watching young amazing people’s lights getting turned off, students wanting to take their own lives, giving up.
Sometimes it feels like Covid is the faster way to die. Lockdowns are just the slower and more more cruel way.
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Like most people I'm finding the lockdown really hard as it prevents me doing some things I need to do for my mental health, Despite this I believe this is the only option to prevent a worse situation.
Lack of control is really difficult so I'm trying to think of the benefit of following the recommendations so I'm doing them for myself & my community rather than because I'm told to. Fr example wearing a mask is saying I'm choosing to avoid transmitting any virus. Walking in uncrowded places or shopping when it isn't busy is doing my bit to help get out of lockdown sooner. I can't change others behaviour but I can set an example and do my bit to help get us out of lockdown sooner.
The other issue is that this situation is affecting everyone in different ways causing us to feel stressed and unhappy. I'm suggesting we each do our little bit to help those around us to feel a little better. Simple acts like thanking the person serving you or the policeman checking on you or the nurse giving the vax etc. They've probably had to deal with other difficult people but it doesn't take much to let them know we appreciate what they do. We can give a friendly greeting as someone walks past (It might be the only human interaction they have all day) Phone a friend or relative to let them know you care. We all need some positive human interaction to get through this difficult time so lets be the ones to reach out in simple ways to others. We don't know what a difference it might make. I'll share a couple of things I've experienced recently which helped me as examples. I had written a post expressing how I was struggling. A lovely person responded with such a warm caring post it let me know someone really cared and made the situation a bit more bearable. This week I was with my hsb in hospital after he'd had surgery and he was extremely unwell due to the sedative they used. I was really stressed watching my hsb suffer so much. A nurse looked over and noticed how I was feeling. He came over to check how I was and then offered to get me a drink. Obviously the drink wasn't going to fix my problems but it let me know the person cared. (there wasn't anything that could be done for my hsb. He needed time to recover) I hope what I've written makes sense. We all need to feel someone cares so lets do that for each other in real life to help us all get through this difficult time
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l've had nothing against Dan all that much except over doing the pessie's and repetition right through. l mean what do you do , it'd be the toughest gig around right now and hth do you handle it , especially when things got so bad last yr.
But today he was literally trying to scare everyone to death , it was way over kill and just the wrong damn way . He usually uses a bit of fear in his pressies they all do trying to get the message across but today was just crazy , just too much. Disappointing, wrong.
l felt sorry for all the vulnerable people out there that might've been watching , as if they haven't been through enough.
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Hi Anne withan e, i've spoken to you before,
I'm so sorry you are struggling, is there more you wanted to talk about? here to listen.
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I just don’t understand, talking about tighter restrictions again. I have followed all the damn rules, suffered, and to what end??
This. needs. To. Stop.
this is completely triggering on so many levels. I’m hearing talk now of cafes closed down. 1km radius. Construction. Closed.
people stuck at home with people that hurt them. People without the ability to earn an income. People not accessing health care they need. Kids without education. Without support. Without escape. So trapped. So crippled.
This so inhumane and wrong.
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Hey RX
These are difficult times....unfortunately Chairman Dan didnt provide Victorians with any hope in that woeful press conference today. There were only threats of further restrictions. He didnt even answer any questions about freedom of movement for people that are vaccinated
If I was on a guaranteed salary of $487,000 (circa $8000/week) I would be providing some reassurance to the public...not threats of further restrictions. Then again the majority of Victorians have voted Chairman Dan in twice...so I guess the public have made their decision
Thankyou for letting me have my say 🙂 Over 200 days in lockdown is crossing the line
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Hi RX..Anne and everyone
I grow weary of Dan treating the public as children....and the threats he made at todays press conference
Even as a volunteer with leftover anxiety I understand where you are coming from....This is a difficult period we are going through
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Hi Paul.
And yeah l agree , it was pretty damn weak today l just smelt the fear and threats , very disappointing.
Think he's been in the saddle too long in this , they really should've let the others handle it today.
Hang in there mate .
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Thank you to those who have to make and live with tough decisions - they also need to sleep at night, and they too must grapple with the weight of the unknown.