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Community Member

Hey guys,

shout out out to everyone posting their worries and going through a shit time at the moment. In the past week I’ve slept a total of 10 hours.... I lay awake most nights focusing on my breathing which feels really shallow then when I’m so tired I want to sleep I wake myself up gasping for air!! I’ve had major changes in my life and routine the last three months so it absolutely makes sense to me that I’ve relapsed back into anxiety!

It is so exhausting trying to find the right help I’ve tried sleeping tests, I go to a GP, I’ve seen physiotherapists, I’ve seen psychologists, I’ve had ecg’s and heart monitors on me numerous times and everyone tells you something different. I’m feeling discouraged, I haven’t felt like this since the GP first told me it sounds like anxiety I had been so good I almost forgot I ever had it.

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Hails_89,

I feel exhausted just reading what you've written. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. That sense of having relapsed back into the old anxiety must be very discouraging, compounded by the different opinions you have received from medical professionals.

Having major changes in your life and routine in the last three months certainly sounds like reason for anyone to slip back. My question to you would be, how did you deal with the anxiety the last time? If something worked then, could it work again now?

Has your GP prescribed you medication to help you sleep? I'm concerned that by sleeping so little, you're not helping yourself recover at all. I know you are frustrated with medical professionals right now, but it's also important not to let your health suffer because of this frustration, because it'd only get harder for you to deal with the anxiety if your body is constantly tired and weak.

Take care,

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

hi Hails_89,

Thanks for such a vulnerable post.

On a person level, I can relate to so much you've said. I used to have serve sleeping issues, that have only pasted in the last year.

Have you thought about seeing a psychiatrist? I saw three psychiatrists, with the last changing my life, by changing my sleep habits with medication and other sorts. There are also great inpatient programs psychiatrists put together for you, under their care.

Hope what I've shared can be of help.

Please let us know how you go.



Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Hails_89,

Thanks for reaching out.

I can't imagine what you are going through - you must feel super exhausted both mentally and physically. Going through all these different professional outlets must also be super draining when you can never get a straight answer. I can see how discouraging this must feel. Although you must feel frustrated by all these medical professionals, I think it's still important seeking their support to hopefully find one that can give you clarity. Sleeping 10 hours in the past week sounds exceptionally distressing. Medication can sometimes be helpful when suffering really bad insomnia. Potentially, seeing a more trusted GP to discuss this as an option may be beneficial?

Here to talk if you feel up to it.

Wishing you all the best and sending you positive thoughts.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Hails

You mention having sleep tests. Was that about checking for sleep apnea, seeing you wake up gasping for air? Wondering what the results were. Also wondering whether you've got some stressful dreams happening, setting off your nervous system.

I really feel for you so much as you struggle to make sense in regard to everything that's happening. Amazing how when we've got all the answers we can say 'Oh, no wonder what's happening is happening. It all makes perfect sense'. Until then, there tends to be a lot of detective work, in the lead up.
