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Where to go when having a panic attack in public

Community Member

I have been having frequent panic attacks over the past few weeks and a lot of the time they are when I am at work (Sydney CBD) or in public. I find when I am having one there is no where to go to calm down in private other than the bathroom which doesn't help because I worry other people will hear me hyperventilating.

Where do you guys go to calm down in private?

3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi ClearQuartz,

I feel for you. Panic attacks can be very distressing. It must be particularly stressful when you have one in a public place. I think it must be particularly tricky if you’re in a busy area...

I don’t know if this is an option for you, but I wonder if maybe there are some parks nearby? I know some parks can still be fairly busy, but there might still be quieter areas inside some parks.

Alternatively, if there are times when an option for privacy just isn’t feasible (or if it’s just too far away), I wonder if you might like to try relaxation techniques to try to reduce the symptoms as quickly as possible, such as deep breathing and closing your eyes (to reduce the visual stimulation around you), practicing mindfulness, focusing on an nearby object, etc.

I also wonder if it might help to try to identify if there’s anything in particular that triggers a panic attack e.g. particular sounds, smells, sights, etc. It’s just that maybe if you can pinpoint any triggers then you can maybe figure out a plan of sorts to manage your panic attacks. Just a gentle idea...

Good on you for reaching out here. I know panic attacks can take so much out of a person both physically and mentally.

Thinking of you with kindness,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi ClearQuartz,

Thank you for your post. I can see that Pepper has already given you some great support already.

For what it's worth, I've had panic attacks in public too. Bathrooms, outsides of bathrooms (damn waiting lines), sitting on benches, or even leaning against walls. Sometimes, even with the best of intentions, it's really hard to find a private space.

What you'll probably find though is that if people can hear you hyperventilating, they'll just be concerned. Either a worried look or a "are you ok?". From experience that is the worst thing that can happen. Panic attacks are so common so you certainly aren't the only one.

Like Pepper said, the park is a great idea. Cafes/restaurants can also be great especially at quieter times, or retail outlets up in the back. If you can find a place you can sit then that's ideal - because that's going to help you focus on your breathing.

At the same time though - sometimes racing to find a spot can make the panic worse - but it also means that by stopping early, you can manage it before it gets too bad.

I hope that this helps a little. Thanks again for your post and I hope you're able to find ways to manage them.


Community Member

hello clearquarts

absolutely know that feeling and nothing worse when it happens when it happens to me i try and find somewhere nice like a part i know thats hard in the cbd also i find it helps just sitting in my car with the radio on but my fav place to be is in the shower but that dont happen to often when im at work i put the head phones on and play some asmr on them just nice nature sounds and it does help

ut also like you have went to the rest rooms and not the best and most people say nothing i have had some old guys ask me if im ok and have to say was nice for them just to ask