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What would you do?

Community Member
I’m currently in a job I hate. It’s my first job for 5 months and I feel more stressed and depressed now compared to when I was not working. I suffer from PTSD and GAD. My symptoms have been insomnia, heaviness in chest and feeling so numb I can’t cry or release any emotion. Usually I would put my mental health first before anything but it’s really hard times atm I need the money and a part of me feels guilty for wanting to quit this job because I know there are so many people out there struggling to find work. What would you do if you were in my position?
4 Replies 4

Community Member

Hey Adeo90. Good work for posting. Sounds pretty rough so I'm sorry to hear that.

If it were me, I'd ask myself if the stress is coming from something internal or external. Are your concerns something you can control or are they external? Something you can't control? Focus on the things you CAN control.

Also I'd ask myself what are all the possible options I have? What do I believe is the best option? Are my choices made by what I believe to be right, or just what OTHERS think I should be doing.

If you leave your job it's entirely up to you. You'll need to weigh up your options of either other employment, or maybe getting payment assistance?

Either way, It's important to give yourself some space to think. I'd also be booking in (if you haven't already) to see someone who you can regularly talk to about all your concerns and check your progress with how it's all going.

Thinking you can fix it all on your own can be a mistake, and it's a mistake I've made before.

Others CAN help you. It might be difficult to eliminate the problem but you can definitely lessen it's frequency.

Good luck.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Adeo90,

Welcome to the forums and thank you for asking for opinions and options for your working experience.

Starting any new job usually involves some anxious moments - the procedures have to be learned/mastered, most people are unfamiliar to you, and you want to make a good impression and show you can manage. There is also a remote chance that the 5 months off has affected your desire to work (despite the need) and you may require time to assimilate to the routine again.

Did you receive an adequate introduction to the work (training, orientation, meet & greet)? If not, or you feel unhappy about your duties or capability, please speak to your employer to find some resolution. Or, perhaps you could garner some supportive colleagues to guide you through the initial stages to help you settle in.

Basically, in your situation, I would seek to communicate with your workplace in favour of letting these feelings build inside of you. A happy worker is a productive worker, and you would be assisting by being forthcoming with your concerns.

If you find an unsupportive environment or disregard for your concerns/rights, then I would look around for another job - self respect is healthier for you in the long term.



Community Member

Hello Adeo90,

I am very sorry to hear you feel this way. You are always welcome to go and seek professional help for any of your health concerns by popping into your GP. As for your job, go with your gut instinct. Quit. Hand in a resignation letter and politely leave. I would however suggest to have a job lined up so you transition smoothly because that might be an easier way.

Please don't feel guilty about the unemployed as I have been in that position and believe me, I am not even thinking about you guys in a job nor having no job, I am striving to get a position for myself which does eventually happen with that hopeful mind set. Don't worry on what we would do because everyone is different as, for example, because I struggle with opening up in social situations, I would probably stick out the job

Definitely if your gut feeling is telling you, you hate it than that is a bigger enough sign right there

Good luck 🙂

Community Member

Hi Adeo90

I know what your feeling, im sorry youre feeling like this, its brutal.

I've been in the same job for over 10 years now and I used to hate myself for it. I haven't advanced or gotten promotions or anything like that I used to get bad headaches and my stomach used to churn when I walked into the building/sunday nights I really struggled.

Then I started to see a psychologist and Ive come to realise although I hate my job, its a job and it pays for the things I need. like you, I need money and its hard times at the moment. Its somewhere I can spend 8 hours a day and I'm part of a great time with a great boss, so in the grand scheme of things, its not entirely that bad.

If I where you, I'd think about whats causing the anxiety, is it something you can approach your boss/workplace with? Is this a job where you can work for however amount of hours you work a day? What do you do after work (walk,hobbies,see friends,self care things) - future options. right now im completing a uniprep course and im going to apply for online tafe next year - these things have given me a sense of future after my current job. Thinking about these things, putting plans in place and alot of self care has made me accept where I work for now and the anxiety symptoms have pretty much disappeared.

I cant recommend enough talking to someone about it

at the end of the day though, you need to do what is best for you - you are important!