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What do most people do with high bp after anxiety attack

Community Member
High guy's what do most of you do when bp spikes after anxiety attack that last for acouple of days
11 Replies 11

Community Member

Hi Goingmad,

I have fast heart rate that can last for days up to a week after I have had a panic attack it’s horrible so I feel you.

are you getting professional help for your anxiety? I have found a little improvement from just seeing my GP and have just had my second session with my psychologist. Still in my mind though as to when the next one will hit!! I have a way to go.

I hope that someone has some great advise for you and how to best handle it. I will watch this post for Adobe also.

Wish I could help more but know that you are not alone we are in this together.

all the best for you.

Hi Mumofnah's thanks for reply. My bp is fine when not dealing with anxiety but when i have an attack it will go to 150/100 and attack can last 3 to 4 days and i know i shouldn't take it during an attack but can't help myself which drives it higher. I have white coat fever also

Hello Goingmad

I'm sure you are not going mad though it can feel pretty horrible. I think you missed out something in your post. You said, "and i know i shouldn't take it during an attack but can't help myself which drives it higher." What are you taking? Sustained high blood pressure can be dangerous especially if it lasts for days. If this happens I urge you to get medical help. Go to the ER in hospital immediately. If you are taking something that increases your blood pressure please talk to your GP immediately.

Are you doing anything to keep your BP down? Do you have tablets? Again this is something to discuss with your GP. I am most concerned about you and also Mumofnah. This is not something to endure as the consequences can be dangerous.

What is white coat fever? Is that something to do with doctors? Never heard of it before.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Thanks for reply white rose when i said i shouldn't take it when anxiety hits i was referring to bp and yes white coat syndrome refers to going to drs or outings. I am on medication for bp but anxiety always overrides it when having anxiety attack. I am exercising everyday and i might be ok for 2 weeks then all of sudden anxiety hits.

Hi goingmad,

can I ask are you female or male as I have found the same thing with the attacks and I am definitely thinking it’s somehow linked with my menstrual cycle.

whiterose I have had my husband call an ambulance for me once when my heart was racing and funny enough when I entered the ambulance my rate eased then the next time I took myself to the emergency and again it settles a few hours later. I had an ecg and monitor while in there and all was fine. The doctor put it down to Anxiety. I am now under a physiologist and do not take any medication at all.

goingmad can I please urge you to see your GP and get the help you definitely deserve and will be thankful for. You know I dont think yo really see doctors wearing white coats these days so your all good to go 😉😉

Hello Mumofnah

Glad to know your BP settled down. It was good to go to hospital with those symptoms. Being in a safe place where you will be examined, treated and monitored is good.

I used to have panic attacks many years ago and ended up in hospital on several occasions. Always felt a little silly afterwards but doctors and paramedics assured me I was doing the right thing. It's been so long since my last panic attack that I did not realise it was happening again a couple of weeks ago and ended up in ER. Once there I was able to relax a little which is when I realised what had happened. Whoops! It did make me realise how stressed I had become for various reasons.

ECG and blood tests are standard procedures for any kind of heart emergency. I think it's good we have the technology which has helped so many people. I think we also feel reassured when the paramedics are on scene.

How are you going with the psychologist? It sounds like you are feeling better. BP meds can make you very tired I discovered. Once I discovered that and stopped taking the meds I felt so much better and BP went down a little then to a good level onceI lost some weight. All trial and error.


Hello again Whiterose Mary,

Yes it was and I’m glad I did go to hospital as it made me understand what was going on with me. I have had panic attacks a long time ago from when I was about 10yo on and off till about 15 (I am 36 now) but it felt completely different then.

I know what you mean about feeling silly as I sort of felt that way too, but your right the ER staff and paramedics told me the exact same thing.

Out of interest do you know what triggered you most recent attack?? I had a number of things going on (Husband starting new business, little dog passing in horrific way that my 4yo son has to see, stress with having both children at home due to the COVID 19 and a number of other thing that I thought I was handling ok but seemed I really wasn’t.

i have only had 2 sessions with the psychologist but it has been helpful and I have also found this forum to be a lot of help and put me a little more at ease knowing there is other people going though the same thing and hearing their stories and tips helps.

i have been pretty good for about 3weeks so far but still can’t shake the thought on my head (when is it going to happen again) I am trying my hardest to stay optimistic.


Hello Fiona

I posted to you yesterday but the e space gremlins lost my post. I was a bit miffed about it as it had cost me lot to tell you about myself. So I spent the rest of the day trying to get calm again. I will try again.

You asked about what triggered my panic attack. It was something that happened about five years ago and which I thought I was coping with. Unfortunately I came across something that rudely barged into me and sent me back to those years. Not happy Jan. It is combined with a medical condition that was diagnosed a couple of years ago and which has no cure. Several treatments, designed to hold it at bay have already stopped working and I am on my third treatment. It seems to be OK and I am feeling much better. With the previous treatment I ended up in hospital twice, each time for four days, and had a couple of blood transfusions.

Now I have been on this treatment for about two months I am noticing a difference in my energy levels and ability to think a bit more clearly. Unfortunately another problem has cropped up which I think is due in part to a back problem I did not know I had until recently. Ain't life grand? So the resurgence of the old trauma hit me like a ton of concrete. I'm getting a bit calmer.

Glad to hear your psych is helping. It may take a while to get through all the 'stuff' in your life and there will probably be times when you feel you are going backwards. In fact this is an important forward step but unfortunately we cannot see this at the time. I think it's the time we go back and reassure ourselves of what happened and have we got things that have not been dealt with. Not that we think like that usually but I believe that's what happens.

This forum is a great help to many people. None of us are professional although we are experts in our own lives. Knowing someone else has felt like you even if the experience was a bit different is so affirming. We need to know about others before we get into thinking we are the only ones with problems. That's when we believe there is no hope for us, that we are weak and pitiful and no one cares. We care and no one is weak and pitiful. We all deserve as much help as possible and for this help to be given in a non-judgemental way and be freely available. I think we are moving towards this though the progress is slow. We do not have the lunatic asylums of the past.


Hello again Mary,

oh sorry that your reply to me went M.I.A. And you had to start again very frustrating!! But I’m glad you replied 🙂 thank you.

I am also very sorry to hear about the health issues you are having and am wishing you all the best with it and hope that you can get some relief soon.

I am starting to believe the things that we go though in life are what shape us into what we are now be it good or bad we just need to find a way to except and deal with them. And that is what I am trying my hardest to do so that I can move on with my life and enjoy everything and everyone that I have in it now. Because I don’t deserve to miss out! So I m throwing everything I have got at this anxiety and it’s rubbish symptoms!!!!

I am also suffering from mild depression and I am going to beat that too!!!

I know it’s going to be a long road and I will have times that it will feel all to hard and I will go backwards but I have to keep moving forward as that is the only way I can go.

you are right we do deserve the help no doubt about it. I am lucky enough that I have my family also that stand right by my side when I’m not in a good way during and after a panick attack And I couldn’t ask for more they are soo understanding and are great at re-assuring me that I’m ok and it will pass.
I hope that you have support around you also it really is helpful. But I am also sooo very thankful for this forum knowing that with the anxiety, panic and depression I am not alone as when this all flared up for me again I found myself just wanting to find that I wasn’t the only one and I have!!!
