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What do most people do with high bp after anxiety attack

Community Member
High guy's what do most of you do when bp spikes after anxiety attack that last for acouple of days
11 Replies 11

Community Member

Hello Goingmad,

I just wanted to check in with you to see how you are going with it all I hope things are settling??

Hello Mumofnah

Thanks for your post and your good wishes. Yes what happens to us does shape the way we are. It's unfortunate when those experiences teach us the world is not safe and we try to hide or say we don't care. Similarly feeling safe does not insulate us from painful events but we usually have the resilience to manage and move on. So pleased you are determined to move on and get well. It usually is a rocky road but even backward steps can be part of moving forward as we learn to manage better.

Yes I have a support circle which is fantastic. Just on my way to get treatment and will meet my daughter there. Such a lovely person (must take after her mother?). I will write more later.
