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Community Member
At the moment I feel really tired and exhausted from my anxiety that is now impacting my depression.
I am also tired of having to hide it. Especially with work.
I can't afford to loose my job but I can't say what's really going on.
I am scared and unsure of what to do. I have lost jobs because of my mental health being so up and down.
I have no one to talk about it to.
305 Replies 305

I don't know how much longer I can hang in there. I am tired of being like this. I just want to be able to do the things I use to do. Showering and getting dressed shouldn't be so hard.

Hi Truetomyself,

Im sorry things are feeling difficult for you at the moment.

Is there a gp you could speak to?

Have you been able to keep your fluid intake up?

I have been keeping my fluid intake up. Thanks for asking. You are the only one who cares. It means a lot. I use to be a teacher and got burnt out. Since then I have felt lost and alone. I struggle so much and it's hard seeing others doing thing with their lives. I feel so behind and don't know what I am doing with my life.

that you make it through each day counts for something! It also sounds as though you are permanently exhausted? Is there anyone you are able to speak to? Or would that be too much?

Hi Truetomyself,

Im glad that you are keeping your fluid intake up it really helps.

Water is very cleansing.

Also try to eat nutritious foods to help your mind, body and soul.

Wow a teacher that’s wonderful thanks for sharing that with me 😊 I understand being a teacher would be hard work. I understand the burn out.

I do care about you Truetomyself I want to see you well again, it really is possible.

It’s ok not to know what you are doing with your life at the moment, I didn’t really find my passion until I hit my 40 s……

Do you have anything you would really like to do in the future or are you passionate about anything in particular?

I understand that you feel like you are struggling now I understand, it’s hard to see past the fog sometimes but I believe we go through certain things for certain reasons we may not understand why we are going through these things in the moment but in time we can stand back and see we’re our path is leading us…

A good friend of mine once told me while I was in the grips of OCD….. that there was a reason why I was going through it and it wouldn’t be for nothing… now that I’m past the fog I understand what my friend meant I learned so much while I was in the storm.

I remember asking myself while I was in the storm “ what is this trying to teach me” and from then on I had a shift in my mind set

Truetomyself you are a very strong resilient person look at how far you have come…. Just amazing

Another thing my beautiful friend told me while I was in the grips of OCD….. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, LOVE and a sound mind ❤️ I hope this message will help you also 😊🦋

I am frightened and scared. I am finding it hard to breathe.

Hi Truetomyself,

Im sorry that you are feeling this way.

Try to practice slowing down your breathing.

Has anything happened to make you feel this way?

Please call 000 if you feel you need to go to the hospital.

Hi Truetomyself,

We are sorry to hear that you are feeling frightened and scared and are currently finding it difficult to breath. Please know that you never have to go through this alone, and support is always here for you.

If you would like to talk to someone, the Beyond Blue Support Service is available 24/7 by phone on 1300 22 4636 or on Webchat 1pm-12am AEST on our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport  One of our friendly counsellors will be able to talk through these feelings with you and can offer support, advice and referrals.

We have also reached out to you privately to see how we can support you and to also check in with you. Please check your inbox and reply.

If you are having trouble breathing then this could be an emergency and you should contact 000 immediately.
Keep checking back in with us whenever you need to.

hi. I want you to know the people here, at beyond blue and the users here care very much about you. I know this is only a virtual space and perhaps you will allow Petal22 or myself to sit with you for a while? Maybe you might want to chat about other things... ? Please know we are here for you.

Thank you. I can't move at the moment. My anxiety is really high. I am terrified to move.