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Tingling sensation in legs. Hypochondria

Community Member


For the past week or 2 I have been getting tingling on & off in my legs and sometimes in other parts of my body.. it comes & goes sometimes it feels like when you watch something or hear something you like and you get the chill sensation & other times it’s like a weird tingly sensation.. because of this I think I have turned into a Hypochondria.. I keep researching my symptom and all that comes up is that I have MS. I went to the dr and told him my concern & that I might have MS and I want to rule It out & he just laughed and went on to talk about getting bloods for vitamin levels & asked if I’m stressed. It gave me no re assurance & I have to go back for my blood tests on Tuesday & im really hoping it has something to do with vitamin deficiency or other things causing it.. I am so emotional because of how I am acting.. I cannot stop trying to look for another answer as to why this is happening trying to find something better then me potentially having MS. I am going back to my regular dr on Monday to do up a mental health plan because I have had other symptoms that have came and come and they just blamed it on anxiety - and I fear she is just going to blame it on anxiety too! I am going to push for more tests to be done.. but it’s like no matter how many test are done I still am not convinced until the third or fourth time around - then it goes away for a bit I feel ok, then weird sensations start happening and I’m worrying all over again.. it is a vicious cycle and I don’t know how to deal with this. I am feeling very depressed and want to hear from people with maybe similar symptoms or people who are dealing with being a hypochondriac. I just want to understand why this is happening to me all of a sudden.. why am I going crazy googling and scaring myself to the point I can’t even sleep and I am obsessing over every little twinge in my body.

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi Rach93

I think I myself experienced similar situations before, I was also sometime concerned pretty much about my health conditions. So I hope my advice could be helpful for you. I think your concern is quite reasonable if you have experienced something weird to your body, to me, if I want to test my health in my country or anywhere, I usually do full body check and maybe take a several day to test in different hospital with different doctors and practioners as well, because everyone can make a mistake and I think doctors are not exceptions here, it may be costly but I think it is good for me. Therefore going to some other hospitals at the same time calm me down and I think people should too. I hopemit is helpful

Community Member

Hi Truc

Thanks for your reply.. sorry to hear you also worry about your health like I do it’s not very nice and is very distressing. I will take your advice on seeing different drs if my usual dr doesn’t take me seriously. I’m hoping if I tell her I am very upset by it and how I’m turning into such a hypochondriac that she will send me for a MRI etc to rule out anything bad. I know I probably still won’t be reassured but least I’ll know in the back of my mind that I’m ok.

Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi. It can be really frustrating when your body is trying to tell you something and not being able to find out the answer. Before I went on medication for depression and anxiety the feeling you mentioned occurred around my scalp. At the time I didn't really associate it with stress or anxiety. Looking back I would. On medication, or the first one, I had the feeling of skin crawling on my legs.

While there might be a possibility of MS, I try to disregard what Dr Google tells me. Put another way, I don't. The one time I tried it was a disaster. So I leave that in the hands of the experts.

I don't think that you are making it up and writing here when you think you are being a hypochondriac also takes courage.
