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Throat tightness and anxiety

Community Member

Hi guys

just a question, does anyone have constant throat tightness? Mine comes in waves. I’ve had so many tests done and anything sinister has been ruled out but some days it’s terrible.
I feel like I can’t breathe but my oxygen sats are fine.
Im hoping it has something to do with my neck and constantly feeling tense.
I’m hoping it goes away 😬😬😬

4 Replies 4

Community Member


I too experience throat tightness, like there's a lump at the back of my throat that won't go away. It happens when I have to talk about things that I get scared about. Sometimes it feels like my breathing gets affect.

Do you panic a lot? That could be related to it.

- Nik

Community Member

Hey Scoo, I get the exact same thing. its so annoying!! I’ve gone to the docs and they say my oxygen levels are really good and it’s crazy cause I am also a smoker.
One thing I have noticed is when anxious or feeling panic is that our muscles tense up and make us feel tight in our chest and throat. So I try to just remember that it’s my muscles being a bit swollen!

unfortunately I can’t provide any good tips or help to go away, but you’re not alone.

I use to have throat issues and now it’s back. My throat burns and feels tight but now I’m like whatever. I was checking for lumps and I just have to know it’s anxiety. You are not alone!

Community Member
Yes, it's called globus sensation or globus hystericus. In Chinese medicine it's called plum pit chi. Unfortunately it's a very common anxiety symptom.