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Terrified of return to school for my kids

Community Member
I hope I'm not alone... I am getting panic attacks just thinking about the return to school, specifically my son catching covid and getting really sick. Just the thought of it makes me almost vomit and I get that fight/flight rush. If I hear him cough (he's not sick at all) straight away my gut clenches and I start freaking out. I have suffered with anxiety all my life but covid has made it much harder, especially thinking about mixing with other people again. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
6 Replies 6

Community Member

How old is your son? Introduce the hand wash game. It is trickier with the super young as they are too busy playing and absorbing so many new things. But when i did a infection control certificate at the beginning of covid, hand washing was a huge deal but it also something that we can all incorporate. If he can ace the handwashing game ( before food, oops you touched your face etc = hand wash and so forth ) then you might feel a bit more relieved. Ask the teachers if they will be bringing in similar games/rules in class. It just might be hand sanitizer depending on their age.

It is also for you to be easier on yourself. So take up some self care activities while the kids are at school and just take it one day at a time.

My anxiety isn't so much about covid but its more so about how human beings are acting in frustrating ways. It's taken me 4 hours to build up the courage to go to my store and buy milk wondering if it is going to be there or is it busy or is it a nightmare. im pretty over it.

Thank you so much for replying, honestly it means so much. My son is in year 6 this year so the hand washing idea is a good one, thank you. And yes I definitely need to actually make some time for some self care. I dread going out also, but that isn't new with covid. Covid has definitely made it worse though. I hope you managed to go and get your milk 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Austin22,

Wellcome to our forums!

Im sorry you are feeling this way.

I understand anxiety can be really hard to deal with.

Have you ever seeked professional help for your anxiety?

You could make an appointment with your gp and do a mental health plan together, this will enable you to see a psychologist who can give you many strategies for anxiety.

I understand that Covid can make our anxiety more intense.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Austin

I am sorry you are feeling this way, although it is completely understandable at the moment. Is your child vaccinated?

It also might be worth buying a couple of RAT tests to have on hand just to use if you need to ease your mind?

Seeing a psychologist might also be helpful.

I hope things improve for you soon,

Jaz xx

Community Member
Hi thank you for replying. Yes I've had professional help before but it just flares up now and again. Thank you.

Community Member

Hey Austin you are definitely not alone. I am extremely anxious about my kids age 8 and 10 returning to school too. Not because of covid though but because my son really dislikes school and has a lot of anxiety about going. I’ve had GAD all my life. Usually I manage it very well but covid has made it a lot worse and like you mine has been flaring up a lot lately.
If I was you I would make sure my son gets in his first vac before he heads back and the hand washing idea is great too. Also I found what helped me is to be prepared. Get some rats tests kids panadol
and hydrolyte. Also have plenty of your sons favourite meals/treats on hand. At least these are things you can do and I know taking action makes me feel more in control and less anxious.

Good luck I know I’ll need it!