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Stuck in front of the TV!!!!

Community Member
Hi, I have a request which may sound pretty funny or lazy at first - but it is a real problem of mine and I really need some advice here. I suffer from anxiety/depression + heroin use (where the come-down fuels the anxiety/depression). So, I am working through the opiate dependence and I don't need advice there. What I would appreciate advice about is a habit (?) I have developed where I sit in front of the TV and do nothing else!! I am afraid of starting anything in case I can't finish it. I am afraid of living in a shitty house yet I can't clean it - thus is stays shit. I can't do anything except watch TV. Anything else brings me too much anxiety. And my responsibilities are piling up. I need to find something to stop the anxiety - so that I can live normally. Any advice? Has anyone moved from this state to a better one - how did you do it?
11 Replies 11

Community Member

So today is the first day in many, many years that I am NOT in front of the TV! I have no clue as to what changed - but geez I am glad it has! I have come to the conclusion that the driver was...

1. Escapism due to anxiety (I feel like a failure because I don't have 2.5 kids & a white picket fence, ridiculous I know but apparently that part of myself is quite powerful).

2. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

So, just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your support. In particular geoff who hit the nail on the head with the OCD comment. I have actually picked up on this before with some other behavious - but for some reason didn't click that it was OCD. Thanks heaps!

Hey ChrissyStar, that's awesome to hear! How did it feel? What did you do instead?