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Struggling with anxiety symptoms?

Community Member

Hello my name is Damien I'm 32 and first time poster,
I just want to run this by people because I've never been really good at describing the - I guess actual experience of symptoms that I've been having but lately it's getting really debilitating and I just need to know is there anybody else experiencing similar.

So late November of last year I was gaming pretty excessively and I was getting off to unwind and grabbed a drink and had a weird thought process in my head that I was like "Oh am I having a stroke" Because I went really weird in the left-side of my body. Following that I started feeling like really light/weak to the point I couldn't feel my muscles in my body and it was like I was just skin and bone sensation across my entire body and I described it to my mum that it felt as if my soul was being sucked out of my body. 

Went to ER they did x-rays and MRI and scans came back normal yet the symptoms not to that extreme kept persisting.


Over the last 5 months it has been really constant with few days being good and most days being bad to the point I have to lay in bed to try shake it off. 
The soul sucking experience has happened only once since then and that encounter vs the ER encounter was actually nightmarish. 


But like lately I've been getting unusual onsets of pain around my back, chest that come and go (the best way I describe those two is if someone hits your funny bone but instead it being the back and chest) and constant tingling on the left side of my body. An unusual sensation in the peripheral vision that looks like a grey/whiteish streak across the eyebrows but inside my head which might be floaters but I am unsure. 

I do have type-2 diabetes which might be flaring up a bit too much and cholesterol problems run through the family. 

But I've been getting all the standard symptoms of brain fog, dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, Hyperventilating (which I've sort of managed this was guided meditation to some degree) and weakness


But it sucks because overall I feel like I'm actually burdening my family more so my mum with all of my problems while I know she has hers and it's just been rough in the house because I've been tempted to call triple 0 multiple times lately for reassurance that everything is alright. 

I have been trying to improve my overall wellbeing the best I can but when it becomes too overwhelming I just like making sure that it's all good because these symptoms are too intense to endure alone. 
My thing is, is it just anxiety?

5 Replies 5

Hi Damien1,

Welcome to the forums and thank you for your bravery and openness in sharing here. It’s a really good place to have come to hear from others who understand what you’re going through. We can hear how difficult it has been lately, we’re so sorry that’s been going on.  We can hear you've been experiencing some concerning symptoms and it's understandable that this is causing you stress.

We just wanted to emphasise that we cannot provide medical advice here on the forums. We know you've previously visited the ER but have you touched base with the GP? They can be a really good resource, it might be worth booking an appointment and explaining how you've been feeling lately. 

We know sometimes that visiting medical professionals can be its own source of anxiety so we want you to know we are always here to talk through what you’re feeling right now, we’d highly recommend calling the Beyond Blue Support Line on 1300 22 4636. The counsellors there are super kind and supportive, they’re understanding and can be good to talk to right in the midst of the anxiety symptoms. You can also reach them via web chat.  

Our community will be able to relate to a lot of what you’ve been going through and be able to share some of the methods that have helped them. Here’s some resources from our website that might help: 

The Beyond Blue pages on treatments for anxiety 

Some strategies for managing anxiety  

Thanks again for sharing. We’re here to listen and offer support, and you never know how your story might help someone else. 

Kind regards, 

Sophie M 

Community Member

Hello Damien1,


I read through your post and I can relate to this 100%. I am sitting at my laptop and nodding my head agreeing with every symptom you just stated and it does sound like it is anxiety, but do not take my word for it because everyone's situation is different.


What you just described has been my life for the past 12 months, although, within those 12 months, like you, I have a family history of diabetes, family members who passed from heart disease which caused me unable to leave the house because the "what ifs" would set in drastically (so my brain says) and my independent would slowly fade away because i would fear the worse, but similar to your situation, my test results came back all clear.


It does sound like anxiety with all those typical tell-tale signs of anxiety, but again, everyone's symptoms is different. but as Sophie stated in the post below. we cannot provide medical adive except for maybe seeking professional help through a GP and they could see what they can do to help? Also, Sophie mentioned may speak to a counselor from Beyond Blue if you feel like that again. They were the ones who referred me to this forum as my anxiety made it feel like I was isolating myself and felt like either no one would understand or I would not want to burden anyone even though they offered. I would also recommend contacting Someone.Health on 1300 546 821 or simply by visiting their website, they are a medical professional that provides bulk-billing counseling sessions over video chat or telephone if that is what you would prefer. There is also an app I would recommend is called Dare App. It's an app with guided meditation (if you already have not downloaded it).


We would love to see how you are traveling along and do not feel like you are alone and we are all in this together to fight anxiety.


Hope my long post made some sense to you



Hey Beyond348, 
I appreciate the response. Yeah it's been really rough lately. There's some breaks through the day that I can manage the symptoms then other times of the day where it's so overwhelming that I can't do anything.

I had a rough patch years and years ago and got out of it but then in November it came back out of nowhere. I couldn't really tell anybody what triggered it because to me I felt good before it. 

Good to know that I'm not alone in this while it sucks for all of us having to go through it it does bring some peace of mind knowing that I'm not the only one experiencing the intensity of the recent episodes I've been having. 


Yeah I don't leave the house, haven't really had any independence since I was younger which sucks so much considering lately I've been really trying to improve the wellbeing and tell myself that I can get out of this s... again. 

What do you do most days to manage? I listen to guided meditation on YouTube (The mindful movement) and some binaural beats hoping that it helps which I would say it's a temporary relief and we even moved the TV from the loungeroom so I can watch movies in my bed which helps with relaxing, while they're temp methods it does provide some comfort to some degree at the worst of it. 

I hope for all of us that we get out of our holes at some point ❤️

Community Member

Dear Damien1,

I'm so sorry to hear about your anxiety and the physical symptoms you are experiencing. I understand how worrying that can be but how we can avoid discussing such things so it's brave of you to post.

You mention many ways you try to relax but I wonder if you are able to get any exercise? Even going outside for a while each day may help to relieve your anxiety. Then perhaps try a short walk, even if it's just to the mailbox, then gradually increase it.

I hope this is helpful to you and that you will continue to post.

Kindest regards,



Hello @Damien1,


Just checking in to see how you're traveling along since you last posted this message.