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Struggling to concentrate

Community Member

Hi everyone,

Iʻve just been having a hard time of concentrating when trying to do my work, and it just cycles into me struggling to get things done which then causes more backlog and overwhelm. Iʻm just so tired of it. Any tiny thing that goes wrong in the day and thatʻs my concentration done; itʻs just brain fog and no motivation from there. Iʻve tried lots of the usual strategies, but nothing seems to be working. Itʻs hard, and Iʻm sure many of us have experienced this, but itʻs just so isolating. Everyone else can just get their stuff done and go about their day and it feels like Iʻm just dragging behind, barely able to just focus on one thing.

Are there lots of people who experience this and if so, what has worked to help?

Thanks so much for all of your time!

8 Replies 8

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Kay8305,

Thank you for sharing such a personal and raw post.

What came straight to mind was mindfulness or physical exercise, have you given these ago? If you have and they haven't worked you could join a hobby group or even help people out on the Beyond Blue forum. That's what I do as a mindful means.

To get started with mindfulness, just google its and see what you discover! Let us know how you go and I'll be thinking of you - GOOD LUCK!



Catie 08
Community Member
Oh my gosh kay8305, yes!! I have been experiencing this heaps lately and it's doing my head in!!

It has progressively getting worse and particularly when I'm trying to work. I too have tried all of the normal things (meditation, going for a walk in the fresh air, writing, ensuring I'm getting enough sleep) but nothing helps.

I've noticed that I have to break every little thing I do right down into tiny steps and it takes a ridiculous amount of concentration to just do each tiny part, I've had days where i had to stop working because I just can't concentrate on things I've been doing for 10 years. Last week I had the whole week off as i just couldn't cope. This just isn't sustainable and I can't figure of what is triggering it to be able to fix it.

I hope you don't mind but I'm going to tag along and see what advice others have that could help 🤞

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Kay8305,

Welcome to the forums.

I always get overwhelmed, and then I start convincing myself that I'm incompetent and not good with time management...basically a negative thought loop. I've come to realise that the best thing (which goes counter to what your instincts will tell you) is to take a break. Just drop everything and take a couple of days off. Usually when I return to work, I feel so much more recharged and able to concentrate.

I suspect we may be overworking ourselves or placing too much expectations on ourselves, which is why we end up feeling that way. A long term solution will be to practice mindfulness in our daily lives, but at present, I do think you need a break.


Community Member

Hi D,

Thank you so much for your suggestion! Iʻve downloaded an app by the Department of Veteranʻs app that looks at mindfulness and will keep you posted on whether that works! If itʻs helpful it will be wonderful :))

I will keep you guys posted!



Community Member

Hi Catie,

Honestly it is so nice to know that itʻs not just me being bad at things and that other people are feeling it too! Itʻs so incredibly frustrating when you have lots to do and you have time but your mind is just dragging you along.

I would love for anyone and everyone to benefit from strategies we find, so please go for it and tag along :))



Community Member

Hi Emmen,

Thank you very much for your encouragement! I think I definitely do need a break and am looking forward to the end of the year! It will give me some time to figure out what will work, and I think trying mindfulness will be a great start. I also completely relate to the negative thought loop - it took a lot of therapy to get to the point where I realised what my anxiety does vs what Iʻm capable of.

Iʻm in a space where I really donʻt want to take any medication, because the last time I did I just felt exhausted all the time. Hopefully trying these strategies will help make things easier!



Community Member
Hi Kay

Omg I am the same, a good 2-3 days of work I'm late leaving work due to this. Everyone else leaves like 1 hr earlier than me!

but due to being late leaving, I get home to late to exercise, and then my sleep us also affective because I eat dinner late etc etc.

Im also late leaving or don't leave the house on a weekend due to this.

Is there mindfulness type apps that work or something you have tried?

Community Member
Hello Kay8305, I have trouble concentrating too. Sometimes colouring in helps me, I know it may sound childish but I've heard it helps people, its somewhat a type of mindfulness. I also like walking but thats just me, everybody is different