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Social anxiety (disorder) without physical symptoms?

Community Member

Although I've felt like I have some form of social anxiety for years, because I don't have any server physical symptoms like panic attacks (only really stomach butterflies, lack of sleep, stress) , I thought it would be impossible for me to have it, and my parents also basically said it was rubbish when I asked them, and on another site for social anxiety I mentioned this to someone else I was chatting to online, and after this they completely stopped talking to me, so I assumed I'm some sort of disgrace to people with real anxiety/I'm not good enough to be diagnosed with anything.

However I've recently been seeing a psychologist at my university who said there was definitely social anxiety there (without me specifically bring SA up, just from me describing my feeling/day to day life/experiences). Can anyone else provide an opinion or experiences regarding this? Is it really possible to have SA without having full on panic attacks?

Thanks for taking the time to read.

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear 45987~

Welcome back, if I remember about a year ago you were discussing difficulties with a tutoring job. I hope they got resolved OK.

I think your current question can be quickly answered, anxiety of all sorts, including social anxiety, is different for each person who is unlucky enough to have it, and I can see no reason just because I suffer physical symptoms that others must too the be diagnosed. It is the mental behavior that is the center of the illness, not the side-effects.

It is a pity your parents were not more knowledgeable, maybe they simply were refusing to entertain the possibility you were ill.

I'm very glad you have sought help and that your mycologist is able to diagnose your condition, the first step in making your life better


Community Champion
Community Champion


Just to add to what Croix said...

Anxiety (broad compassing term) for me is a reaction to a stressful situation, and associations with feelings of worry, nervousness or apprehension. I do not have full blown panic attacks, but my symptoms are chest tightness, lump in the throat racing heart. Generally things that other will not see - after all you look fine on the outside? From seeing (and still am!) a psychologist, she has identified other anxiety related within me, that I wont disagree with.

Which brings me to my main point, just because your situation is different to someone else's does not make it invalid. Indeed, there a time when I questioned (in my head) what it was because I did not appear to fit what I thought was the standard mould. And then someone on the forum here said to me what I have said you do...

because your situation is different to someone else's does not make it invalid.

And it is good that you are speaking to someone at Uni about it. My life is getting better slowly and hopefully yours will to.
