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Sleeping problems

Community Member
Hi, I would really like some advice/support to what I'm going through at the mine, I recently had my parents visit me from overseas and my father took unwell, it was a terrible experience for me, since then I have been to see my GP and a Psychologist to get some help as I'm very down and anxious about life in generally, the doctor has given me some Anti depressant tablets to which I'm at week 3 of taking them, my biggest problem is I cannot sleep at night and its effecting a lot of things in my life, has anybody gone through this, does anxiety cause this and what are good remedy's to help, I'm trying everything I can such as non prescription sleeping tablets and going to gym but nothing seems to be helping me, I would be much appreciated to hear from anybody in the same situation or can offer me some advise and encouragement, thanks in advance
23 Replies 23

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello tim41

Welcome to the forums and good on you for posting too

Im sorry to hear you dad is unwell as well as your anxiety of course. I have had acute anxiety and then depression for many years and its a dark place to be in.

Anxiety can really effect the quality of our sleep....very much so. You have done well by engaging your GP and a psychologist. That is a huge leap towards recovery. Well done to you!

I am not sure how long you have had your anxiety but the more frequent the counseling the less anxiety you will experience. I had weekly therapy for six months from a community mental health worker who gave me my life back. (he was a psychiatric nurse..a great counselor) There was no cost of course which was a huge bonus

I have had to use small doses of anti anxiety meds prior to bed which did make a huge difference. They are not a total fix but helped me build a platform on which I could use the various coping mechanisms to increase the quality of my sleep.

Anxiety symptoms do reduce in severity over time...and even more so with very regular therapy.

There are many super kind people on the forums tim41 that can be here for you. It would be great if you could post back. The forums are rock solid secure to ensure your privacy too.

My kind thoughts for you (and your dad of course)

You are not alone


Community Member
thank You Paul it means so much to hear from you I'm trying my best to get well and will be attending my phsycoligist on a weekly basis from next week onward,again I thank you so much for your support it is much apprecaited

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Tim41

No worries at all...Thankyou for posting back..it means a lot 🙂

It may sound silly but avoid using your mobile/tablet before bed...Monash Uni have been doing heaps of research on how they can increase our brain activity prior to sleep...

I hope you can keep posting tim...

My kind thoughts


Community Member

Hi Tim41,

Firstly, welcome to the forums... i can echo your anxiety issues to the letter, my biggest issue was not sleeping with my anxiety, literally waking up every hour on the hour in a panic, (Shaking, cold, hot, racing heart) all the symptoms.... I have seeked the help which you did as well and went and saw a GP and now seeing a Psychologist, she has already given me tools to help promote sleeping, I am using a non prescription sleeping tablet as well which has helped but am getting myself of them as i do not want to depend on that.

The worst part about anxiety and sleeping is the fact you already have your anxiety and when you try and sleep, you end up stressing on top simply about not sleeping. It is a vicious circle and one i am very familiar with. I can only suggest you keep seeing your psychologist and GP, as i know it will start making a difference.

You could try reading a book before bed, Not on your phone or tablet as Paul said above as that really does have adverse effects on falling asleep - but reading a book doesnt stimulate the eyes and can make you tired as well. Gym/Exercise is the second best option but you have already started. Another thing i do when i am tossing and turning or i tell my wife to do if she cannot sleep, if it has been half hour and you still can't fall asleep, get up for 10 minutes, walk out of the room, have a glass of water or milk and just relax, i literally stand in my kitchen, no phone, just stand and try and relax myself (Deep breathing etc), I enjoy the glass of water or milk and then go back to bed and fall asleep, this works alot for me personally so it may be another thing you could try.

All my best to you Tim41.


Community Member
thanks Paul, appreciate all your words, they mean so much to me to know that people do care and there are genuine people out there, thanks again mate

Community Member
thanks Jay, really appreciate your kind words as I said to Paul it really helps me to know I'm not alone and people have come through this and are doing better now, thanks again Jay.

Community Member

No worries Tim, post back as many times as you wish and you'll generally always find someone will reply.


Community Member


I have been unable to sleep at night for so long l can't remember when l had any longer than 4hrs at a stretch. Some tricks l use are...if you can't beat it join it. Don't fight it that way your anxiety lessons. While l'm awake l do mundane things like the ironing clean a cupboard. Things that don't stimulate the brain. If that's not working a warm bath is good to settle you down mentally as well as physically.

The other thing l do is nap during the day. I cat nap at lunch time or on the train. If your not working just listen to your body and sleep or nap during the day. It is just a new normal once you get use to it. Having said that l hope you are feeling better soon.

Community Member
thank you Jay, I'm trying to be strong and your words are a source of that strength, thank you again so much Jay