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Should heart rate speed up this fast?

Community Member
So I've had chest pain lately that my doctor continues to say is just anxiety. I've lost 15kg this year, started to get bad reflux and had other weird health issues. I haven't done much exercise the past year and just now I did 16 weighted squats and my heart rate went to 135bpm straight after. Is this normal for someone that is unfit? My resting heart rate is 60bpm.
1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Samsonsam,

Thanks for your post.

Honestly to me it sounds normal and nothing to be concerned about (as I know heart rates can get quite high) but as someone who does not have a medical background I think it would be pretty silly of me to tell you whether this is normal or what you should do!

I recommend that you ask your GP so you can get some reassurance.