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Seperation Anxiety/Too many changes

Community Member

I have recently been diagnosed with severe anxiety, I've lost count how many panic attacks I would have in one day! My life turned when I had my 3rd child and my grandparent went into a nursing home extremely ill and I haven't been able to go and see her. I am used to always looking after her and doing things for her and with her. I'm after some advice on how I can turn my life around or how have you turned it around? I'm currently stuck in a body of aching, tired muscles that made me believe I was dying of some nuero disorder and that is the beginning of panic attack after panic attack, sometimes so paralysed I can't get out of bed. I'm currently under the care of my doctor but after other peoples experiences and advice. 

2 Replies 2

Community Member
Hi Schmegs   

Welcome to Beyond Blue, the caring community.  Thank you for sharing your problem.   

From what you described, it seems to me that you are very close to your grandmother.  It upsets you that you cannot see her everyday and care for her anymore.  I wish I were close to any of my family members.   

I always hold the view that medication alone is not the answer to helping people suffering from depression and anxiety.  Do you have a psychologist or counselor that you can relate to?   Are your children all grown up and left home now?  If so, do you have someone at home to talk to?   

I hope you will get back to us and we can help you more.    


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Schmegs,

Welcome to the forum. You'll find plenty of people here that are ready to listen and also share some of their experience with you, so you've picked the right place to come.

As you've stated you want people's advice, I'm going to just list some of the things I've found helpful presently and in the past and you can decide if there's anything you want to explore further. Feel free to ask any questions afterward.

I have a favourite youtube video called "8 minutes to calm" that I use all the time. It's a guided muscle relaxation and it literally only takes 8 minutes!

Mindfulness - keeps me in the present rather than ruminating about the past or worrying about the future.

Practicing acceptance - you can google Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. How to accept how you feel without causing further suffering.

Identifying Triggers - What are some of the things/people/situations that make me anxious. I talk these through with my therapist. A good Psychologist will be able to help you with gradual exposure therapy.

Having a list of things I CAN do when I feel anxious. (for me they're usually little things, playing with my cat, having a really long shower or bath, cooking, eating something I love, listening to music)

Of course getting onto the right medication for you is important.

I think I'll leave it there but I do hope you continue to post.
