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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone,

Has anyone else felt extremely sensitive as part of their anxiety? (Note: I am seeing a Psychologist and will mention this to her). At the moment, I feel like anything will make me cry (I am not normally like this). Does anyone have any tips/advice for calming down before crying?

12 Replies 12

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Dools,

I am going ok. How are you? I read classics but also some modern fiction.

Hello Booklover

Great to find a fellow bookworm. I used to read a great deal of fiction but find it doesn't satisfy me these days. I am a member of a book club and we usually read a book of fiction. Surprisingly I find them interesting so it must be my choice of fiction that does not work. These days I enjoy history, philosophy, spirituality, poetry and what I call anthropology. Buying books is my secret obsession. I find books are lovely to hold as well as read.

I was thinking about crying which you and Dools have both mentioned. It really is a release to cry at times because of all the pent up emotion we experience from everywhere. I also believe that having a mental illness puts us in the vulnerable group for tears. Our emotions are so close to the surface most of the time that it takes very little to trigger a response we would love to keep private. Well, it's better than becoming angry as Dools said. I know I can become angry when it would be better to cry, certainly less destructive.

I had a visit last week from someone who is my support person. She was with me for about two hours and I think I cried for at least for at least an hour. I think it surprised me as much as it surprised my visitor. But I was in a bad place for a few days and in reality her visit was serendipitous (I love that word). It brought home to me how it is our resilience that needs to be worked on. And also how hard it is to increase our resilience. As John Denver used to sing, "Some days are diamonds, some days are stone".

I hope you are feeling well.


Hi Mary,

Thank you for your post. I was thinking I should join a book club. How is it? Books are lovely to hold, very true 🙂 I have been crying a lot lately but I am going through a hard time as well as being anxious so I have accepted it. I am glad you have a support person, sometimes it is just good to have someone there. My friends have been really great.

I am not feeling great now but hope it improves. I hope you are well.