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Seeking help

Community Member

Hi guys,

Thanks in advance for lending your ear.
I currently am in a little bit of a spiral. I havent been officially diagnosed with anxiety but have been told for the past 7 years to seek help. I have been coping really well by refocusing my stresses and frustrations with exercise over time. But since i have injured myself back in january, and unable to push myself, my little quirks and struggles are starting to rear their nasty little heads.

The reason I have been so reluctant to seek help is because I struggle to find a sympathetic doctor who doesn't just brush it all off to stress and i should sleep more. I know that i need more sleep, i know all this, what i need is help and i dont' need to be brushed off, because it makes me feel even worse.

Does anyone have any tips, tricks of doctor recommendations in the Brisbane area? I've looked at the directory and can't seem to find someone who i feel comfortable calling.

Thanks guys again.

4 Replies 4

Community Member

Dear Mystery Belle,

May I assume that you are a lady, albeit mysterious ?

Getting an unsympathetic medical response has got to be one of the worst experiences for any mental health sufferer.  It even makes you think that the next counselor, doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist will be the same ignorant minimiser.   Personally, I'd ask around and get a "good referral" the same way you would vet the area for a "good fish and chip shop".  ["Ah don't go to Fred's on The Strand - way too much grease and he uses chicken salt not the real stuff.  Go to Manuel's in the next street instead, OK"].

I had to lock onto a new psychiatrist recently (following an admission) and there was an older guy who seemed OK and infact reduced his fee.   At the same medical practise there was a psychiatrist I'd seen in the '90s so I naturally enquired if I could be put on his list.   The response was "Dr X doesn't take new referrals".   So I guess this is the other problem - that the good ones are full.   It's almost worth turning up at ANY medical centre to get the vibe on the professionals.    I mean, how can you tell from a website or phone book if this professional will be good for you ?

I had one counsellor who was recommended by one of my wife's friends (who was a psychiatrist) and it turned out OK.  Except that if I cancelled a session then my wife would inflict stern criticism as she felt I'd let her friend down !  But the reason this guy was good was because he never chased me or expected me to come every time.  He knew I would be a bit up and down and, because of this empathy, I attended on a higher % than any other counselor ever.   Either you have a connection or you don't.

Adios, David.

PS  You'd think Brisbane would be full of sympathetic doctors, etc, after all the floods in the last 5 years.   People would have needed a lot of support in Brisbane.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Mystery Belle I had just replied to you but it came as 'system error'.

I am sorry that you have now encountered back trouble, it really restricts your movements.

What I would do is click on 'get support' at the top of this page and Beyond Blue will direct you in the right direction and suggest suitable doctors for you, but explain on how you feel about your previous doctors. These doctors will refer you to a psych. and probably a psychologist would be more suitable for you as they seem to be more caring than a psychiatrist. This will give you 10 free visits to them which medicare pay for, and take these as a bonus. Please let us know how you get on as this would be helpful for others. Geoff.

Community Member

Thank you so much guys for a response! The sstem error has been getting me as well, so only just been able to witness the replies. I'm currently in day 3 of 16 of work. (133 hours in total... This is gonna be great for my stress levels!), so once I'm out of this strings ill definitely be seeking help again. It is great to know there is a support system here, still fragile from my last attempt at counciling where all I got told was to take my tv out of my bedroom. 

I truly cannot express my gratitude for your assistance 

and mysterybelle is my favourite song, by a band called the fumes - worth checking out if you like blues 😉

Community Member

Thank you so much guys for a response! The sstem error has been getting me as well, so only just been able to witness the replies. I'm currently in day 3 of 16 of work. (133 hours in total... This is gonna be great for my stress levels!), so once I'm out of this strings ill definitely be seeking help again. It is great to know there is a support system here, still fragile from my last attempt at counciling where all I got told was to take my tv out of my bedroom. 

I truly cannot express my gratitude for your assistance 

and mysterybelle is my favourite song, by a band called the fumes - worth checking out if you like blues 😉