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Scared I may never be able to work again

Community Member

Hi just looking for some support from people that understand.

Ive had depression and anxiety for a long time. I’ve had more jobs than I can count and have big issues with keeping them because of anxiety. I’ve left nearly all of my jobs because I become overwhelmed with anxiety and can’t face anyone and don’t go back. I tried so hard to not do this and tell myself every job that I won’t let it happen again. I hate letting people down and it totally throws my life out of whack for weeks and leaves me depressed beyond belief. I’m only mid 40’s and am so worried I just can’t hold a job down successfully anymore. Anyone else have this destructive pattern with anxiety? Thanks very much

13 Replies 13

Community Member

Hi Katherine,

I know exactly how it feels like. My case is slightly different, I am afraid to try new jobs to the point that even the thought of job interviews scares the living light out of me. I recently got retrenched, I found a new job however their expectations of me is very high. i am now contemplating on resigning from my current role. 😞

Hi Katherine (and a wave to all the other wonderful forum members here),

Thanks so much for writing back. I’m happy to hear from you, and learn a little more about what you’re going through. I think your struggles have clearly resonated with quite a few people here, but I think that’s good...more understanding, suggestions and shared experiences is a good thing 🙂

I’m glad you seem to be enjoying the current work you do, but passive aggressive bosses can be tough to work for. I think the people you work for/work with can definitely affect your mental health.

Sorry, I’m slightly confused. Is it okay if I ask whether you’re working at the moment or not?

It’s just that if you’re currently working and your boss is making work very difficult, perhaps I would suggest staying there (and looking for another job in your own time). That way, you would still have an income and sense of financial stability as you look for another job .

That being said, I also understand that you’re not sure if there’s anything “better”, so to speak out there. But I feel it wouldn’t hurt to still try to see what jobs are out there?

Perhaps, just as a little suggestion, you could consider the same line of work, but under a different type of organisational structure e.g. same line of work in the not-for-profit sector, try to gauge organisations’ work cultures before applying, etc.

It’s good to hear from you again. Kind thoughts to you today.


Community Member


Im just experiencing the same sort of thing I work one day out of 4 this week just gone and I’m absolutely scared shitless that I will loose my job because of anxiety! I’m yet to have any real professional help saw gp who referred me to psychologist and she’s just talked which I’m was past that point! I have another appointment Tuesday but in the mean time my anxiety is constant and crippling

Community Member

This thread has been on my mind for weeks. I can relate so much to you Katherine22 and subsequent posters. I find I get this cycle, start a new job, feel really excited thinking that this is the one that's going to be really good, that I won't get anxious about, and then I do, worry I'm not doing a good enough job, get anxious and often teary at work. I feel like I don't pick things up quickly and if anyone has negative feedback to give me, it drops me into despair which takes me ages to recover from. It's so hard. Over the years I have done some incredibly stressful jobs. I am now trying to take a step back and that's proving hard because employers wonder why you're not going for the types of roles you used to do.

i have never told any workplace about my anxiety. I have some physical illnesses too and have learned, rightly or wrongly, that many employ look negatively on these so now I just say nothing and battle through.

i find this forum way more helpful than any conversation I've ever had with a Counsellor so thanks forum members. Sharing your experiences has been more helpful than you could know.