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Ross River virus triggering major anxiety

Community Member

G'day guys,

A few weeks ago i was diagnosed with ross river, but since then i cant stop worrying theres something else wrong with me, all my bloods came back normal (twice) and i have had an ecg.

I dont know what to do now, i feel like im losing it a bit.

Any help would be amazing!

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi McC, welcome

I have a friend with Ross River. It can be life changing and its becoming more common.

Worry doesnt prudyce anything but ulcets. It can make you more punctual but little else.

Nicknamed "the worrier" at 12yo and now 61 I know the feeling. But at 31yo I got hood advice from my therapist. He identified that my thoughts were unrealistic, mainly full of fantasy. Of course I believed they were real.

So therapy might be beneficial.

Below are some threafs worth reading. Take thr plunge and read on. Post anytime.

Use google

Topic: worry worry worry- beyondblue

Topic: feeding your brain- beyondblue

Topic: festering issues or moving on?- beyondblue

Tony WK