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- Resigned from job due to return of anxiety
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Resigned from job due to return of anxiety
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Hello, I recently resigned from my job of 18 months due to my anxiety raising its ugly head from the stress that was placed on me in this job. I was completely burnt out in September last year and had a minor breakdown. I probably should have quit then and there but I managed to pick myself up and carry on. Now I've got to February and I've had to see my doctor a couple of times since the start of the year due to issues with my health, all of which have been put down to stress/anxiety. Plus it is now affecting my home life. This made me decide to leave my job. My family tells me to take some time and get mentally well before jumping back into work. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Any help/advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Hi, I'm not sure how much help this will be but I was in a very similar situation to you at the end of last year. My job was making me burnt out and stressed and I realised I really should have left sooner (I started thinking about leaving a year prior). I did end up resigning in Dec though.
At first I worried whether I had made the right choice, but now I more confident that leaving was the right decision.
As long as you have some way to support yourself (whether that be assistance from your parents or using your savings), I think that leaving your job and taking some time to decompress and figure out what it is your really want will be beneficial to you.
I hope everything works out for you and you are able to reduce your anxiety.
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Thanks for your support. It's nice to hear others experiences with this. Just to know I'm not alone is very comforting.
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Dear sax_11,
Thank you for your post and I agree with Aussie.Girl that you need to have a break from work. Burnout is serious and I found that plenty of sleep, fresh air and exercise returned me to good health and taught me how to care for myself. It took a while and I was stretched financially but it was well worth it.
You say that the work was stressful and I'm wondering if you managed to give yourself regular breaks when at work and to enjoy rest and relaxation on the weekend? When recuperating from burnout, I realised that I was given little appreciation for working so hard and much dislike from my co-workers when I became anxious and depressed.
I found learning to meditate was beneficial while recuperating and has continued to be helpful in all areas of my life. Smiling Mind can be accessed on the Internet, if this is something you would like to try.
I hope this has been helpful and wish you plenty of healing relaxation.
Big hugs,
Richju xxxx
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Hi 🙂
I'm sorry you're feeling this way.
I have had to resign from a job due to my anxiety. At the time, I was very upset and mad at myself but, I have come to learn that people will thrive in certain environments. While I was comforted by the people I used to work with, the content of the job was not suited to me. I needed more stimulating work.
I am now in a job that I love, it's my happy place, I occasionally can have some anxiety about going to work still, but after I took some time after resigning to work on not letting my anxiety be as powerful in brain, I have more good days than bad days with anxiety+work.
It is okay to take time to look after yourself. You can spend that time learning about things that bring you joy.
Take care
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Hello Richju,
Thank you for your kind words.
I utilise my breaks at work and have always tried to do other things on a weekend to take my mind away from work. The people I work for treat us like robots and just keep pushing and pushing for more work to be completed when it just isn't physically/mentally possible. It's a really mentally taxing job and I am one of the best workers but receive zero credit for it and that makes it hard.
I will certainly look at suggestions you've made and I appreciate you taking the time to give me your advice.
Big hugs back to you xxxx
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Hello T,
Thank you for your support.
I also feel mad at myself for letting my anxiety win but you're right, my current work environment is not allowing me to thrive. I feel like it's swallowing me up and spitting me out. I'm so wrung out from it each day that it's affecting other areas of my life.
I do plan on taking some time to look after myself and hopefully I'll find what I need to pick myself up and keep going.
Thanks, take care xx
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Hello sax_11,
Good call! You're a faster learner than I am. I'm currently in a very similar situation to you - except I have let it go on and on until I recently had a full-on blow-out. I'm currently on sick leave but having Anxiety attacks even driving on the highway that leads to my work.
You initially asked whether it would be good to take time before getting another job. Intellectually I know the answer is 'yes'. Get well first or you will just burn out again. Just as intellectually I know that I need to resign immediately or I will not start to really get well with the thought of going back to work hanging over me. For myself, I am concerned about being unemployed and concerned this will cause my Anxiety to sky-rocket. I don't know your situation but this is not a realistic fear in my case - I have months of holiday leave I'll be paid out - but I know that unemployment will also be a trigger for me. (and I realise how ridiculous this sounds after reading what I've just typed, but Anxiety is not linked to reality, is it!)
So, with the caveats: will you be financially ok? and will you be ok while unemployed? yes, yes, you are doing the right thing to take time to heal.
Again, one last caveat: the longer a person is off work due to injury/illness, the harder it is to go back to work. Take the time to heal but don't leave it so long that going to work becomes a trigger.
Don't be angry with yourself; you're not letting your Anxiety win. If you have a broken foot, you need to stop walking on it until it has healed - it's not letting the broken bone win to put plaster on it. Work should not be affecting other areas of your life.
Take care, HS.
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Hi sax_11 yes been in a similar situation. Resigned from my childcare job after six years. Working during COVID, stress, anxiety and burnout resulted in me taking 5 months off work. I should have left much sooner. I didn't because I was scared I wouldn't be able to do anything else.
I was paid out my holidays and I lived off this. I slept heaps and was afraid of leaving the house. Finding work again was anxiety inducing but I got there. I feared I would have a meltdown during interviews or on my first shift but it didn't happen.
You will be okay. Look after yourself and things will fall into place. It's a good time to enjoy some recreation and explore your hobbies and interests. No guilt attached to this because you matter. If you want to work again you will. I was honestly convinced I wouldn't go back to work. I am now working 30+ hours week and make sure I stick to my rostered hours and take my breaks. You will be okay.
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Hello SAX_11 and thankyou for being a part of the Beyond Blue Family!
Special thanks to....Lyn_Dog...HappySheep....HelloTea.....Richju and Aussie.Girl for the kind support you have provided to SAX_11
Sax_11....You are smarter than I was when my anxiety 'kicked in 'when I was 23.....You have made the best decision as your health is paramount...all other considerations are secondary at this time..
Of course people experience varying levels of anxiety...I understand those levels. I was an idiot that 'soldiered on 'with mid to high level' anxiety/panic attacks .......to my detriment health wise. (just for myself)
Ive studied anxiety disorder for circa 4 decades and I hope the following is helpful for you and anyone else reading the forums.
If our anxiety begins to have a detrimental impact on our ability to function on a day to day basis in our work, then we really have start our recovery by....
1. Seeing our GP asap....(I actually see my GP for counselling now)
2. Frequent counselling....fortnightly is good...weekly is better...(if affordable of course)
3. Understanding that an anxiety disorder (that has a negative effect on our daily ability to function effectively) is like having invisible crutches
I hope some of this post is helpful
my kindest