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really at a loss as what now

Community Member

hi all, this is my first post, i am a 53yr old woman living in sa

its a rather long story so please bear with me

about 3 years ago i was diagnosed with ectopic heart beats (pvc's) which was completely checked by a cardiologist and is benign, totally harmless and is generally bought on by stress, for the last 2 years my health has deteriorated to the point i have no life at all.

i get head spins and dizziness (dr said its vertigo), i get major head pressure as in my head wants to explode but not very many 'headaches', my ears are constantly full or blocked (ct scan shows nothing abnormal), i get chills or tingling up and down my body, vibrations in my feet, i start to sweat and despite heart medication my heart occasionally races (my dr diagnosed menopause) , i have major stomach issues (specialist diagnosed ibs) almost every day around 9-10am all these symptoms start and build up to the point all i can do is go to bed, have a lay down or go to sleep, after i get up usually early afternoon, almost all the symptoms are gone and i feel pretty normal, i cant make any plans or appts for the morning as they are just a wipe out. i spent several months going to the er on nearly a weekly basis until i just gave up as it was always 'anxiety'

i am generally to scared to go out for a drive etc as i get very stressed when i leave the safety of medical assistance, when i told my doc i had enough, wish i was dead he sent me to a psychologist who told me there was nothing wrong with me, i have a good life, she did not need to see me again, got sent to a 2nd one who told me i was basically wasting his time, lose some weight and ill be right, i have my life all buttoned up in a pretty bow, finally got sent to one i like and ive only seen a few times but seems to be helping

today i saw a specialist gp for the 2nd time with blood results which are slightly off but he does not know why, has diagnosed me with chronic anxiety and borderline agoraphobia and menopause (as per bloods) started me on medication and told me to come back in a month

how can all of this be from ANXIETY i just dont get it

thanks for listening


10 Replies 10

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello Jcat and welcome to Beyond Blue forums

It's good you've found your way to our community of caring, friendly, supportive and non judgemental people. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's not always easy is it.

Anxiety can be debilitating. I have anxiety and depression brought on usually by PTSD. And to answer your question - yes, many of the physical symptoms can be associated with anxiety. For years I believed I had chronic fatigue, or Ross River Virus (that never went away), or glandular fever. While I did have RRV, it did go away and the doctors could find no trace of the virus in my body even though I was convinced I had it because of the pain, aches, fatigue.

Back then, anxiety was never considered to be an issue. When I went to the doctor because I was not sleeping due to study at uni. She said go for a run and burn off the adrenaline. Bah....

I was only diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety about 7-8 years ago. Had this been diagnosed 20-30 years earlier my life would have been so different. Anyway it wasn't. But I survived. Since being on Beyond Blue forums it's helped me see how I did this. Posting to people has helped me tremendously.

Anxiety is 'manageable'. There are many tips throughout the forums here. One thread I found very useful to start with was the - TIPS FOR MANAGING ANXIETY. I found this by searching for that title.

Menopause will impact on the symptoms. Though this is also manageable. For many years I had acupuncture on a monthly basis this kept me sane, helped me relax and to sleep better. In fact I use to go to a very good naturopath of Chinese Traditional Medicine in Adelaide located at the Adelaide Central Markets. He was excellent.

Some quick references for you that helps anxiety is:

  • slow breathing. Count in for 5 and out for 5. Focus on your breathe as it goes in and out.
  • grounding, mindfulness, meditation, yoga - all help. Information is available on the forums and can be found by doing a search for the term
  • regular exercise
  • healthy lifestyle, i.e. eating well, limited drinking, sleeping regularly
  • counselling (e.g. psychologist, health professional)

Keep reaching out Jcat, if and when you want to. You're not alone.

Kind regards


Community Member
thankyou for all your helpful info pamela

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

All good Jcat

It's does one good to have a rant. Helps to clear the head I find.

Community Member
ive just taken the first dose of my new medication and sitting here stressing to the max waiting for side effects 😞

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Awww. Do some slow breathing, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Ground yourself.

Get an app to listen to relaxing music.

You can do this.!!

maybe think positive thoughts? E.g. I can do this. This medication is going to be awesome.

Community Member
hey pamela, i took my first pill yesterday morning and never ever ever again, i honestly thought i was going to die, will be talking to my specialist about it

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Jcat,

I hope you don't mind me calling in to say hello.

I also have ectopic heartbeats as well as an extremely high resting heart beat, I have been on medication now for over 35 years, it works well to help keep my heart in rhythm, but when I get overwhelmed with anxiety I get the extra beat every 4th. Which makes the heart feel like it's doing sumasaults in my chest..

I had to go through a couple of different ads before I got the right one.

Jcat, can you do something to distract yourself from your anxiety, deep controlled counted breathing..inhale 1-2-3- 4-5...then out for 1-2-3-4-5-...instead of counting on the out I say inhale 1-2-3-4-5-...exhale.R-E-L-A-X...maybe give that a try,

There is also a grounding thread on the forums, that I done it's called...."grounding what is it and how do you do it".. If you search grounding in the search box on top of this page it will pop up. It teaches us how to ground yourself when your high in anxiety as well as shows us how to make up a grounding box for when we need it...

How are you feeling now? I'm here for a little if you want to talk...


Community Member
hi grandy, thanks for your reply, ectopics drive you insane hey and all i ever hear is, its harmless. ill give your breathing a try, im feeling a little better today thanks

Community Member

Hi Jcat, I just wanted to say I can relate to your physical symtoms well. At the depth of my anxiety I actually ended up at a neurologist who finally told me I had severe anxiety. I just couldn't believe my body was doing these things to me. Blocked ears, extreme brain fog, sensitivity to light, tingling in my body, stomach issues, visual disturbances, memory loss, I even once forgot what a tap was called. I was convinced I had MS or a brain tumour.

I still get some of these symptoms but not as severe. Anxiety can be so dibilitating I remember my mum actually couldn't speak or write her name when she had her nervous breakdown.

It is great that you have found a psychologist. The work is hard and it's a commitment but it will be worthwhile. You're not alone and I hope you find some breathing space soon.