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Post wedding anxiety

Community Member
Hi all I have posted here before but have had my anxiety under control for quite a few months however I recently got married and life was pretty hectic in the lead up to that. I felt great in the lead up but I was looking forwards to having some more free time after the wedding. 2 days after the wedding I had one of the worst panic attacks I’ve ever had and have since been left literally feeling dizzy almost 24/7 a day. I know it’s a symptom of my anxiety but No matter what techniques I use to manage it it won’t go away and I’m now exhausted because it’s always there. I simply can’t spend every waking moment feeling dizzy, I’m thinking of making a doctors appointment as my GP is quite good but he is unavailable for the next 2 weeks. Should I see someone new or wait it out? My anxiety is at its worst when I’m at work as I tend to have time to think about it. My work does not distract me enough to forget about it and I feel like my performance is suffering. We have so many people away that I feel bad taking any time off.
2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi. Welcome to beyond blue.

Should you wait until your GP returns or not?

I am not a trained professional. I am just like you - just another user on the forum that suffers from anxiety and depression.

I am not sure that I can answer your question, but to help you decide, I have some questions for you...

- Do you know what your triggers are?
- Do you have any distraction and coping mechanisms?
- Do you think that with those distraction and coping tools you can make it through the 2 weeks?
- Are you sleeping OK? Good sleep hygiene can help reduce anxiety?

On the forums you will find other threads to help you manage your anxiety including...

- Grounding yourself, What is it and how do you? - Beyondblue
- Relaxation exercises - Beyondblue

Do a google search to find the above pages. As you are probably aware, knowing what your triggers help you manage it. My psychologist has also given me other tools, suggested apps to install my phone (only 2) and a 1 book to read. If you have any questions or want to chat, please let me know.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Kate, and a warm welcome to you and also congratulations.

You when you get married all of a sudden you don't live by yourself, now you have to organise your life with your husband, that maybe a concern and a cause why you have these panic attacks and thanks to Tim he has provided you with some great advice.

2 weeks can be a long time so perhaps seeing another doctor could provide you with a different and more appropriate approach, so yes I would try and see another doctor.

Your health is always something you need to look after.
