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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - seeking help

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


I'm hoping someone can recommend a very good psychiatrist who specialises in PTSD in Melbourne.  My partner has been diagnosed with PTSD (from childhood abuse) and severe clinical depression and none of his psychs so far seem to be able to get their head around it.  The psychiatrist will need to be able to handle an incredibly intelligent, analytical and "needs to be in control" individual, also preferably someone who is strong on therapy rather than medication.  Any suggestions would be really appreciated as he is in such a terrible space at the moment and only heading downwards.

Thank you

5 Replies 5

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Jenni,

Welcome to the forums. GPs are the only practitioners that are able to provide referrals to psychiatrists, which is why we don't have them listed in our directory.

If it's talking therapy you're looking for, we do have listings for psychologists on our site and you can search by postcode (GPs are listed also).

The best idea would be for your husband to go back to his GP and ask for a referral to a different psychiatrist, be honest and upfront and explain the issues that he's been having to date.  You can also call our support service on 1300 22 4636 as they may have further referral options.

Doing some research beforehand is also a good idea. This fact sheet on the Black Dog Institute website has some helpful tips on this, while it is tailored towards finding a mental health-friendly GP, the questions and content is still relevant when thinking about finding a good mental health practitioner generally.

Unfortunately, with mental health practitioners sometimes it can take a while to find the right one that you 'click' with, but please keep trying and let us know how you're going on the forums here.

Community Member

Hi Jenni

Like Christopher before me, I welcome you to the Beyond Blue site.

Christopher being a staff member from Beyond Blue was a great first responder to you and gave you some great advice.

Just from a fellow sufferer’s point of view – Jenni, we have a brilliant community of people here who post on a daily basis – to each other, but also to new people who come on with their own issues and we take them under our ‘wings’ and try our best to provide guidance, advice and most of all support to that person.

With that in mind, do you think your partner would be ‘up for coming here’ and giving us a try? As I said, we would welcome him with ‘open keyboards (arms)’ and do our very best to provide him with advice and guidance for his issues.

 There are a lot of wonderful people on here who have suffered through childhood abuse and through that they could potentially give first-hand advice as to how they’re dealing with it, etc.

Just a thought.

Kind regards


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jenni

It's great to see that you are very supportive of your partner who is going through a very traumatic time.

I can understand totally the trauma he is going through as I was sexually abused as a child by not one male but 3.  My memories came back to me only 4 years and the abuse happened over 30 yrs ago.

I am seeing a psych who is helping me immensely but slowly improving.

I would encourage your partner to come on here, if he can, and share his story with so many of us on here who have had similar stories and would love to help him and give him some support.

Looking forward to hearing back from you

Take care


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi  Jenni im also a sufferer of post traumatic stress disorder 1 from losing consciousness after having my little boy 7 yrs ago and 2 after my suicide attempt so yes everything comes flooding back in my mind too at times not always. But due to people knowing my business in a small town that I live in I find the inconsiderate people who im not friends with will deliberately talk about suicide and say heyt did you hear about that girl that killed herself ect ect they think I don't know but you know what I am actually very clever I have had therapy groupos with the best of the best meaning real people real situations and sat lived breathed what they went through basically ive seen it all . And there are also bullying issues too from people in my life childhood right through to adulthood who demeanoured me threaten to hit me call me names set me up at work and in general where I hang out so I actually sometimes live a life where I have to watch my back . So glad he is seeing a psych its the only way he will get through this . Its a long ride to get better but hold on stay strong id like to think ive done it and he can too no matter what it takes keep strong.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thank you everyone for your kind & generous suggestions and offers of assistance, I am so grateful that there are people like yourselves out there willing to reach out and help others.  I honestly don't think anyone can understand who has not been there, I know I still struggle everyday to understand what he goes through.  Also, I would like to qualify that his childhood abuse was physical & mental abuse not sexual abuse.  I will speak to him and see if I can convince him to log in and give it a go.