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Placing intrusive thoughts

Community Member
I struggle with intrusive thoughts. They are all about my relationship with my husband. How I feel about him and where our relationship is going. I am cognitively strong and I know to just ignore and not feed them. But I am after some strategies to release them from my mind. The only thing that seems to settle them is cuddle time with hubby. This is all new to me, I had my first attack about a month ago, following a few weeks of incinsistent intrusive thoughts and then a few days of intense thoughts following the seperation of an engaged couple close to me. I am on medication and am seeing a psychologist. But am looking for support on the 'down and out days' I am 27 a mum of 2 bouncing boys. And am determined to beat this. What do you do to help you through the bad days?? Feeling good today 😊
16 Replies 16

According to my doctor and psychologist hormones definately play a role.ive always steuggled with hormone inbalance and polycystic ovaries. So I will get tested again. You see a gyno to get tested and then ur given the appropriate medication if required. So im hoping that will be a big help for me.

I have pcos too .... so should I be getting tested for this stuff ???

does pcos give you a hormone imbalance or is that a diff thing .. wowseee ... your more insighful than my bloody doctors hahaha

does your psycologist help ??

like I’ve heard a lot of horror stories

Um Ive seen an ob/gyn since I was young. And shes always handled that girly stuff. So I would just start by asking your GP for a referral. And just see where it takes you. Yes I love my shrink. I clicked with her right away. And she really re inforces alot of things I already know. But its good to have someone totally seperate from your life to talk to. They see things differently. And offer really great support. But I think the trick is to find someone u click with. Dont just use anyone. Shop around until u feel like ur talking to a friend. I would recommend it. And in fact I have to some of my friends 😉

Hey thanks for the reply ...

so your therapist/psychologist you said earlier she confirmed you fears etc ???

So so does that mean if I saw one and I told them the stupid things I thought/think (intrusive thoughts) etc then they will be able to explain to me why I’m thinking it and what it really means etc and help me figure out what triggers me and all that Mumbo jumbo ... like they will make sense of what’s going on in my head ??

Is it expensive ?? Sorry I’ve been playing with the idea of seeing one but my mum doesn’t think it’ll help me but I don’t know ... cause talking does help but no1 understands why I’m thinking what I’m thinking etc if that makes sense hahaha.

Sorry snd thanks in advance for the reply

I would strongly recommend it. U can mental health plans and u get 10 free sessions. Yes, they explain everything to you. In my case with hubby... my worst fear is loosing him. So thats what my anxiety feeds on. And the more I worry about it the worse it gets.. u know the drill.. I have learnt in a few short weeks more about myself than I ever knew. I can now comfortably ride my emotional response to my thoughts. And come out the other end fine. Which is nice. Of corse the medication helps. And I have a very supportive husband and best friends. I honestly believe u need to be pro active. Find what u need to overcome it, for me that was my shrink, shes is my knowledge. If I have all the facts I can appropriately place whats happening at any given time

Hmm wow that makes a lot of sense ...

im glad she is so helpful to you 🙃

i May just have to give it a go hey what’s the harm in trying if she or he can make sense of the roller coaster in my brain it can’t hurt hey ....

I have a fear of loosing anyone in my life I feel .....

I’ve never had anyone die in my family or any of my friends or anything like that so I’m petrified ...

snd I use to think my husband was going to die on his way to work everyday 🤔🤔 id get him to msg me when he was there safely ....

hmm... maybe I should go to my go to get a referral ...

since seeing yours do you feel that your episodes have become less extreme?? Or your just better equiped to handle them since she gave u the tools

Definately less severe. I havent felt anywhere near as worked up as I did before my attack. My bad days now are quite minimalist. Which is positive. But still not me. Im fine with having anxiety as long as I can actively practise the tools to either go with it or over come it. The fear of loosing someone is horrible. I totally get that, I have lost lots of people in my life, through death and divorce. So the feeling of abandonment really gets me going! I would definately just give it a crack. Nothing to loose. But so much to gain!