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Physical symptoms

Community Member

Hey everyone,

For around a month now I have been experiencing different physical symptoms... started with pins and needles in my arms, and sharp pain randomly in my chest, and occasionally my breathing, the feeling like I can’t catch a full breath. I then get worried about it all and then start getting hot, feeling shaky and have to just try to relax and calm myself. I am a very anxious person, and I feel like I suffer with mild anxiety. I have been to see 2 doctors I had a blood test done when I spoke about pins and needles. And then I went back last week because my chest (more so breast) was feeling very achy and a dull pain. She listened to my chest but she didn’t seem worried. I’m know freaking out as to it being something cardio/ respiratory related, but I just feel like to doctors don’t really help with what you actually want from them. I’ve just been feeling emotional aswell and occasionally just cry! But I’m freaking about it all to be honest. But the strange thing is I don’t feel overly anxious about anything.

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey lacie,

I can definetely relate to how you feel in some kind of way. For such a long time,my anxiety took control over me, id lock myself away and try to mask how i felt for such a long time, until i just snapped, everything spun out of control, taken to a psych ward, was there for 2 weeks. i checked in about 3 months later and they said i had bipolar 2 disorder and generalised anxiety.

I know it sucks to feel the way you are feeling i know, but we gotta pull through this, i dont know why im always anxious about everything, just sometimes life chucks an anvil on us its our choice if we want to recover and get back up

Stay safe, love to chat more 🙂