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Physical illness or anxiety?

Community Member


Got my knickers in a twist trying to work out if my symptoms are anxiety or something else, and google just scares me when I seek clarification! Tried speaking with GP about symptoms and instead of relief I have found myself even more frustrated.

Ocular migraines, dizziness, nausea, forgetfulness, insomnia, headaches, numbness, panic. Anxiety? Something else?

Trying to get some answers so I can get some relief but I am feeling a little let down by my doc (nice guy). At least after three years of suffering these symptoms he sent me for an MRI.

Feeling a little overwhelmed today I guess....

13 Replies 13

Hi Paul,

Grateful for your response, because in researching the particular medication I am considering taking, you hear so many horror stories and it calms my anxiety hearing success stories instead. Reading that you experienced something positive within a week made me happy for you and hopeful for me!

I am trying to envisage a time when I am in a place of managing my symptoms and am able to give some positive advice and report success to others like you have so helpfully done for me.


Hey CS!

No worries and great to have you as part of the Beyond Blue family 🙂

There is no judgement on the forums..only our lived experience and the best support we can provide

  • The earlier anxiety is treated the better our recovery
  • Researching is great CS and kudos to you! Just for myself, I have avoided researching anxiety meds as its too much of a complex topic to obtain an accurate viewpoint ...especially from people that expected a 'quick fix' and are disappointed after having high expectations of not being 'healed'
  • Anxiety is a serious pain to research as many people dont post their good experiences...(like me!)
  • I initially refused meds...for about 10 years....oops! My symptoms only exacerbated as a result..(my bad)
  • I take my low dose SSRI as well as a 'anti-anxiety' med when required.
  • Note...I was working in senior corporate when I started my meds....my career performance increased afterwards

Your anxiety can be reduced in severity CS 🙂

any questions are welcome! Your privacy and well being are paramount to the forums

my kindest


Hi Paul,

Some thoughts on your response...

Its becoming clear that too much 'researching' on help for anxiety can be counter productive. Initially it can be helpful if the sources are reliable. Like yourself, there are as many people who have had success in managing symptoms and I agree that many people don't post their good experiences, probably because they are getting on with life, I suppose I have to remember there are as many good stories as there are bad stories regarding recovery and anti depressants.

I can only imagine the struggle you had in the 10 years you refused meds. I am guessing you now think you should have tried them sooner? Apart from an anti anxiety med once or twice a month, I am currently untreated for severe anxiety and as you can probably tell, I am struggling with the notion of starting them. I take strength from your journey and other peoples positive outcomes which I read on these forums. I am trying to envisage starting meds and also reporting good outcomes.

Something I have noticed regarding people googling their anxiety symptoms is that google throws back an MS diagnosis quite often. I see so many posts on here with terrified people who are very worried they have MS. I see MS mentioned often on these forums. I am wondering if you notice that too? I think your stance on not researching is a healthy one. I know what health anxiety feels like and my heart goes out people when I read their terrified posts and I wonder how much of their terror comes from over researching. Just a thought.

Wishing you an awesome day.


Community Member
Finding today really difficult. Health anxiety out of control. I find it difficult to believe how physically awful I feel is down to GAD. My vision is blurry and I am dreading an ocular migraine occurring as the symptoms mimic stroke and it stresses me so badly when it happens. I am stuck in this rut of thinking something terrible is up but not being able to go to the GP as last time an MRI was done something was found (apparently no cause for alarm) but that finding sent my health anxiety out of control. Feeling hopeless and confined to this life of constant panic and fear. Trying to take day by day but its exhausting. My therapy sessions are nearly three months apart and not really helping. I am too scared to start the new anti depressant. I cant relax enough to listen to music or do breathing exercises. I try to push myself to exercise and feel too dizzy to do so. I feel so stuck...