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Overcoming arachnophobia.

Community Member
I've noticed that I am increasingly becoming more and more arachnophobic. Even writing this post and bringing it to the forefront of my mind is making me edgy. The word spider..uh!

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to over come this? The thought of having one on me...Oh. No. Waaaay.

Is it because I've been anxious lately that this kinda irrational thought is popping up?

I mean I check under the visors in the car before I start driving because I'd rather deal with it then instead of driving. I'm in the garden and the other day I seen a big one and couldn't get back into it [garden]. I really don't want to let this get outta hand and want to nip it in the bud.

Any advice would be gratefully received. Except having them on me.

16 Replies 16

Community Member

Hi All. I have an almost insane fear of spiders and bees. Bees because as a child I was stung, multiple times. Spiders because in N.Z (which almost doesn't exist anymore), we had what we called Avondale spiders, which are cousin to Huntsman spiders. I was told by my dad to put my pushbike away one night, just on dark, I would've been 14, or 15. We had a shed out the back which my dad had rigged a light up in. The main switch was in the back porch (which had light). Yes - the dark is not my 'friend' either. This particular night, as per instructed, I opened the shed door and 'felt' for the light switch. I 'felt' something hairy, scuttle away. Alfred Hitchcock would've loved my scream. Dad literally fell out the back door, down the back stairs and ran to the shed. All I could do was point and stutter. Dad switches on the light, of course Mr spider being more scared than me had disappeared -fast. I never left my bike out after dark again. To this day, I see a spider and he is welcome to wherever he is. As long as he stays outside, I'm happy, he comes in, I go out - faster.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Lynda and Everyone,

Lynda you reminded me of the time I came home from work about midnight, I opened the screen door and a huge Hunstman spider plopped onto my head and then my shoulder.

I really had to swallow my scream as I didn't want all the neighbours running out of their houses wondering what was happening.

Another night, driving a friend home from work in a non air conditioned car on a hot summer's night, we had the windows open. All of a sudden a massive Huntsman spider climbed up the windscreen and headed towards my open window. I tried to stay calm and wind that window up as quickly as possible.

That darn spider hung on! Then it disappeared for while only to return on the windscreen. Must have had chewing gum on its feet!

Both windows up now and the car was getting hot and stuffy. Darn spider. You never saw a person exit the car as quickly as my friends did! Me too when I arrived home! Ha. Ha.

Cheers all from Mrs. Dools

Community Member

Hi Bev, I feel as though we're trading horror stories here. You talking about driving friends home and a Huntsman 'drops' in, (no pun intended), reminded me of a neighbor I had years ago. She was fostering two girls (sisters). She was not happy this day, she'd had a run in with either the father or mother. Anyway, she pleaded with me to come in so she could cry on my shoulder (I must have broad shoulders, lol). I stroll into her kitchen - you guessed, in the corner above us is a massive Huntsman. I point, stutter about the 's' in the corner. She replies incredibly calmly, oh yes, he's my friend. At this point, the creature 'stretches', I run (sprint) to be exact. My neighbor just stares with her mouth agape. If she wants that as a friend, she's welcome.


Community Member

I understand and can relate to your post so much I feel like I need to say "omg"

I have struggled with the fear of spiders since I was little. I used to think I saw them jumping around on my ceiling.

two weeks ago I was in bed and a spider crawled out from behind my pillow and onto my pillow and I haven't slept in there since. Hope I'm not scaring you... 😞 I feel your misery

Just keep things clean, keep insect spray around, I have multiple bottles around, and they are really handy, turn lights on before you go into a room, do whatever you need to do to get yourself feeling safe again.

I constantly find myself checking the ceiling and my surroundings.

hope you're well

Hi V and Margarita,

Oh dear. Think I have helped to turn this thread into one of spider horror stories. That can't be helping you at all with you spider issues! Ooops.

I have a story about a spider from my Christian childhood.

Mary and Joseph had to flee Bethlehem when Jesus was a baby and headed for Egypt. Soldiers were looking for them. Mary and Joseph took Jesus and hid in a cave.

The creatures of the cave wanted to help Jesus and to hide Him from the soldiers. A spider decided to make a huge web over the entrance of the cave so when the soldiers went to look there, they saw the huge web and decided no one could be inside the cave.


Spider's webs are very useful, think of all the mosquitos they catch!

Cheers all from Mrs. Dools

Community Member

Bev. That's an extremely questionable anecdote. My question, therefore is, if there was a spider web over the entrance, how did Mary, Joseph and the Baby get out without breaking the web, thus causing the 'friendly, helpful' spider to investigate? Spiders are not known to be friendly, when their webs are disturbed, they investigate and often will 'attack' predators.


Community Member

Hi guys. Another creature who does not fill me with joy is the Goanna. My ex and I years ago were enjoying a barby in a well-known reserve which was surrounded by trees and, of course, Goannas. The Goannas are so used to human company they know no fear and most times people feed them. We, of course had no knowledge of this. My ex was busy loading sausages, steaks etc on the barby and I noticed these creatures strolling through the trees. I mentioned it to him, but he said, don't worry, I trusted him and tried to ignore these creatures. However, eventually, curiosity, plus the tantalizing aroma of food brought them closer, and closer. Suddenly, they were there, one chased us round and round the barby. My ex would run round the barby, flip the meat and continue running. This creature made 'Jaws' look tame, all I could see was jaws opening and closing, while he kept chasing us. We tried to take the food to the next table, ex instructed me to climb on said table, we discovered Goannas climb too. We eventually made it to the safety of our car, next thing we looked out the car window, our uninvited guest had invited his family to our picnic, we were literally surrounded. Looking back, we must have looked hilarious, but at the time it wasn't funny. Even reading this I'm having hysterics. This happened many years ago.
