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OCD vs daily routine?

Community Member

Hi everyone,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask for advice, but I would just like a second opinion. I was diagnosed with GAD three and a half years ago, but for the past few months I've been struggling with OCD which I've never experienced ever, so OCD is still something new and scary to me due to its uncontrollable nature.

Anyways, these days I've been having a lot of intrusive thoughts, mostly around tidying and cleaning objects and myself. I find that I must be clean at a specific time each day. For example, I must shower at 9pm everyday, no later or my mind will spiral out of control. If I don't shower by then I will begin to feel dirty and disgusted, so much that it even becomes a physical sensation. I cannot seem to do anything else until I go shower because that urge is all that occupies my mind, and I begin to feel light-headed and dizzy and my brain feels like it's going to explode with the thoughts repeating over and over again. Sometimes, even just a few hours before showering I won't be able to stop thinking about it, it's like my brain keeps anticipating it and reminding me to not forget about it.

However the problem is that to my understanding, OCD is about repeatedly carrying out rituals or compulsions that are irrational, however showering daily is definitely a rational and normal thing to do, and it's not like I am showering multiple times a day to feel clean, thus I am stuck with the question "is this really OCD?" I find that after cleaning, I feel immediately relieved, no longer dizzy, like everything is at ease and I can continue with my work again. Sometimes I even shower earlier before the set time just so that I can be free of the obsessive thoughts later on.

It's definitely mind bogging because my brain knows it's something justifiable and that I have to eventually do it anyways, so it can fully control and convince me. However sometimes it's quite inconvenient to clean at the same time everyday due to my college schedule. My daily life is definitely disrupted from this thought, and it's just not showering, but many others I won't mention due to the character limit.

So, my question is, what do you call this behaviour? the need to do something at a certain time everyday otherwise it prevents you from doing anything else? I'm feeling overwhelmed because I am wasting so much time being bothered by this routine when I have many upcoming exams, which seems impossible to study for when my thoughts are stuck somewhere else 😞

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi not sure if this helps I also suffer from ocd, I also have anxiety ,depression and ocd intrusive thoughts, I have Similar issues regarding my ocd, for instance I have to brush my teeth and rinse my mouth 8 times, when I wash my face it has to be 12 times, if a pair of shoes is facing the wrong direction I have to fix it otherwise I won’t get any sleep or it will bother me till I point them in the direction I want them to face, my therapist has told me to try and brake the cycle and doing things in different numbers I’ve tried it but I just couldn’t do it I’m in a routine and i find myself feeling worse trying to change it she also told me to remind myself that these feelings and thoughts are just that and will pass over time, maybe when you feel that way or over whelmed take some deep breathes in and out and remind yourself what is the worst that can happen if you don’t take the shower when you think you have to?try to take it at another time of the day and show yourself that it’s ok to do that and nothing bad will happen because you have broken routine, It’s all a build up in our brain we are in control of how we try to handle it hope this helps

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi ilyoonie,

Welcome to the forums and thank you for your thread and your question - I'm glad that you decided to ask it but I don't think that there is an easy answer.

A big part of OCD is the O - or obsessive - like the obsessive thoughts that you have about the shower, and the time it has to be. Yes, having a shower is healthy - but you are not 'dirtier' for having a shower at 9.05pm or 9.30pm. Likewise with Savviwarn, brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth is a healthy thing to do, but doing it multiple times isn't making the mouth any cleaner.

You'll probably find that there are variations of OCD, in the same way that there are variations of depression or anxiety. It will look different for everyone. Are you seeing anyone to talk about what's happening?


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello ilyoonie, thanks so much for posting your comment, and for Savviwarn and RT for replying back to you.

This is something I can certainly relate with, but can I please get back to you in the morning, as I start very early in the morning, at about 1 am and have bookmarked your thread.

I'm very sorry and my apologies.

Take care.
