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Newbie saying hi!

Community Member

Hi There!

I'm just struggling a far bit at the moment. I've had anxiety a lot of my life and usually it is somewhat manageable but about twice a year it becomes debilitating. A combination of the corona virus and a recent breakup is causing my anxiety to flare up really badly. I want to get better this time and do everything I can to get my anxiety under control and live a mentally healthier life. So I guess I'm just reaching out to this community for some tips and to feel some hope that I can overcome this.

Thank you and wishing that everyone is coping okay ❤️

4 Replies 4

Hi autumntree,

Welcome to the forums! We are so glad that you have taken a brave step in reaching out here to our wonderful community today. We are also really sorry to hear that you're struggling with a flare up in your anxiety at the moment, but please know that you have come to a safe, supportive place to share your thoughts and feelings. We'd also like to let you know that you are always welcome to reach out to our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Service, which is available 24/7 at coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au. There is also a dedicated phone line, staffed by mental health professionals briefed on the pandemic response, that is available to you anytime on 1800 512 348 to talk things through.
Feel free to keep updating your thread to let us know how you're going when you feel ready.

Community Member

Hi autumntree. I just wanted to say hi! I am a newbie too. I have had anxiety on and off for most of my adult life and am having a flare up right now. I normally cope well but too many things happening at once have just been a bit much.
I am getting by with being kinder to myself and just letting myself do what I need too. I have replaced my normal news watching start to the day with watching the Gilmore girls! To avoid covid 19 overload! When I am waking early due to anxiety it fills the time and lifts me up. I use a lot of self talk as well and also looking through these forums for others in the same boat helps. I enjoyed the pinned section on tips and self help bits in the anxiety section . Has a lot of suggestions! I recommend it !

Hey relax16,
Welcome to Beyond Blue Forums! Thanks for joining us here. 

We understand your feelings of anxiety and uncertainty and empathise with how overwhelming things seem to be lately.

We like to let you know that support is available if you need it. We'd encourage you to visit our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. The website will be regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. 

Thanks for posting relax16!

Hi Relax16. Thank you so much for saying hi! It honestly was so lovely to know that I am not alone in this time and that others are feeling the same. It's such a strange time right now, so I loved your point about being kinder to yourself. I am trying to loosen up my schedule and take my time with uni and work to fit around the times when I am feeling better.

Your point about starting the day watching Gilmore girls was delightful! In a similar way I have been watching brooklyn 99 as soon as I wake as it makes it feel a little bit better and at just distracts me for a while.

It was interesting that you mentioned waking up early from anxiety. That is something I have really been struggling with. I wake up early everyday in a panic and spend the whole day trying to calm myself done. Though, I've been really struggling to try calm myself down. Hopefully there will be some good tips in the forum to help with that. I am getting therapy and started taking medication this week so hopefully this things will well me get back on track.