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Neighbor Issues

Community Member

Hi Everyone I have a problem with my next door neighbor and I don’t know how to handle it. Looking for some advice as I suffer bad with anxiety. The problem is he burns off waste and now he is doing it daily. I stuff chronic migraines and smoke is one of my worst triggers. All the smoke blows into our house.

Should I approach him in person?What should I say? My anxiety isn’t happy about this option!


Should I write a note and pop it into his mail box? Kidda dicky but much better on my anxiety.

Probaly trivial to most people but every night I’m sick with a migraine. I can’t take much more but I’m freaking out to much to deal with it.

Anyways thanks for reading Chris.

8 Replies 8

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Chris~

There is always a temptation not to talk face to face and as a result dropping in a note can seem attractive - in the short term. That plus email always has a lure for me.

I try to resist it for a couple of reasons. First once you have sent the message you can wait - and wait - for a response that might never come. Then you wonder .... (I hate that)

Also asking in person may well be more effective. They can misinterpret the tone of a note for one thing.

If it was me I'd have my partner at home in case anything went wrong and simply go over and ask nicely, explain the smoke is unpleasant, ask if he can keep it down to a day a week or something like that.

It is a common situation, smoke on washing is a real pain and I've had to go and ask -worked out fine.

Let us know how you go


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Chris,

Welcome tot the forum. I'm wondering if back yard burning is actually legal and does it depend on what is being burnt? I'm pretty sure in S.A. back yard burning has been banned for decades!

Maybe call the local council and see if it is actually legal.

Like Croix mentioned, you could try and have a talk with the neighbour, do you have someone who could be back up for the conversation?

You won't know their reaction until you actually try to talk to them. Hopefully a discussion will go well!

All the best, from Dools

Community Member
Check with the council first and if it's forbidden then make an anonymous complaint then the neighbour won't know who complained as I'm sure the smoke is going everywhere and into lots of people's backyards.

Community Member

Thanks everyone,

I think as much as I don’t want to go face to face I think will have to best result. Even my doctor suggested this too. He said maybe work a day out when I can leave for a while while his dose it if he is won’t stop altogether.

I have done some research too and yes it’s forbidden in the councils bylaws. It has a $600 on the spot fine. So if just talking to him doesn’t work I’ll have to put a complaint in.

I’m not one normally to do this as I don’t like to upset the apple cart. But being sick all the time is overweighting my anxiety at the moment.


Hi Lonewog,

It is not always easy feeling like you need to confront someone over an issue.

I am wondering if your neighbour might not know the rules about back yard burning?

You could try to talk to the neighbour and see how that goes.

You could also telephone the council and ask if there is someone there you can talk to regarding this matter. You can ask to remain anonymous to ask for information.

We had issues with a neighbour's dog barking continuously and called the council. They sent someone around to talk to the neighbours. The council may do the same thing about the fires and give the person a warning. They do not need to know who called the council.

Your health is important. Take someone with you to talk tot he neighbour if you are concerned about their response.

Hope you can get this sorted.

Cheers from Dools

Community Member

Hi guys just quick update I got the courage up and had a chat to them. Lucky enough his wife was there and doesn’t like it either lol that worked in my favour. So he has agreed to stop and we have had a week of smoke free peace. Hopefully this keeps up and one of my issues gone.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Chris~

I'm really please it worked out so well. I can well imagine how daunting the whole matter was before you went and saw him. A bit of luck his wife was there, an unexpected ally.

Thanks very much for letting us know what happened.


Hi Chris,

I'm really happy it worked out with your neighbours and how great that even the wife was over it 🙂

Gloria 10