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Need help

Community Member

I am a 25 year old female and i need help coping with panic attacks. I have become scared of the panic attacks. Im not working atm..im scared to be alone, i rely a lot on my mum and boyfriend to always be with me, im scared to drive all in which i have had a panic attack and now avoiding these situations because im scared it will happen again.

I am seeing a psychologist and i am on natural herb tablets and vitamins but i need strategies on how to overcome it all. Or how to cope.

Anyone in a similar situation?

21 Replies 21

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Navy,

How are you today? I agree with radio/music. I have had some anxiety last couple of days. Today in the car we put up beat music on and it felt good. Another thing, just sitting and saying Ommmmmm or Aaaaaaaaahhhhh helps too. Not yelling like a chant.I did it for no apparent reason last week and it provided some relief. I must have needed it as i just randomly did it.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Also you mentioned natural herb tablets. Check the side effects as i started some last week and they did not agree eith me. Dizzy, headache, palpitations and brought on anxiety.