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Need advice

Community Member

In general i sometimes struggle to turn off my brain. As in just turn off the thoughts which are leading me to a negative mindset which causes fights with my partner who is starting to get annoyed at me asking the same things over and over. Fair enough even i know that but i struggle with stopping myself overreacting to things as well and i have been working on it to just stay calm and ask questions instead which now isnt working. I get anxiety over if i should talk to my partner or not. (Amazing guy) purely because i dont want to burden him and i just want to be able to discuss things with him if we have a problem without my mind running off on me and into things that arent true or ridiculous which then causes a fight because of me. If i was to talk i have a habit of talking too much which is annoying and i basically dont want to piss him off for repeating myself and making him deal with the exact same situations over and over again as a result of me being unable to not overreact or simply unable to walk away/turn off my negative thoughts.

To the point just need help controlling a very over reacting and over thinking mind thats causing me to slowly not be myself. Thanks

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Welcome to the forums, Mia.

I'm with you, the overthinking that comes with the anxiety territory is exhausting. Being dragged helplessly where we don't want to go makes life difficult, not only for ourselves but also for those around us.

Explaining is hard...because anxiety doesn't make sense. It happens outside the scope of reason and logic.

Being a medical condition (as opposed to the passing state of feeling anxious), it should be regarded and treated as such. I suggest you do the K10 test (top left of this page in the Facts section). You will also find relevant info in the drop down menu.

Booking a long GP appointment would be a first step towards helping you manage this distressful situation. Unfortunately, anxiety doesn't disappear of its own accord. If left unattended, it can easily infiltrate every area of Life. No need to struggle alone or feel embarrassed because you are not coping. It is something happening to you but not caused by you. So please take good care of yourself and do not hesitate to reach out for the help and support you so much deserve.

Your partner would be given the opportunity to go along to an appointment and learn from a pro point or view what it is you are up against. He would then understand you better and support you better too. This approach would burden him a lot less than not knowing what causes your emotional turmoil, leaving him to feel helpless and bewildered.

In complement to medical help, you could check out coping strategies like mindfulness, Relaxed Breathing, Relaxed Body Scan etc... Smiling Mind and Buddhify are useful apps. Of course those techniques are only efficient if practiced regularly, preferably when all is well. It will then be easier for the mind to slip into a calmer mode when most needed.

Please feel free to continue to talk with us and let us know how you go.

Good to have you on board.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Mia

Welcome and thanks for taking the time to share what is going on with you.

I too know all about anxious mind and how it can overtake you and start to change you and your reactions to things. Starwolf has shared some great tips above and I encourage you to start with the GP appointment.

The good news is that you can get the help which is right for you and get your anxiety under control. It is lovely that you reference your partner as being an amazing guy. This means that he will want to help but at this stage probably doesn't know how. Both of you getting the professional help from the GP will explain more about what is going on so that you can both understand your reactions to things and how these can be prevented in the future.

I don't think that there is a silver bullet to fixing anxiety but things can certainly improve and be under control. I personally used a mixture of diet, exercise, reading novels, breathing exercises and medication to keep me having a wonderful life and a great partnership with my husband.

Please let us know how you are going.

Blue Jane

Community Member

Hi Mia, I'm completely new to these forums and I don't have any advice for you, but I just wanted to say that I can relate to what you've written. My partner often gets annoyed with me too when I am feeling anxious, which has been quite often during the last few months. I do realise that it must be very annoying when I'm worrying about something that he thinks nothing of, and like you, I also feel like I don't want to burden him. I also get anxious of whether I should talk to him or not, and lately, I just decide not too and just stay quiet. I'm sorry I don't have any advice, I just wanted to say that I can so relate to what you wrote.