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Community Member

I’ve started medication for my depression and anxiety it’s been 2 days and I’m scared I feel jittery and my anxiety seem worse, idk what to do is this normal ?


5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi KK7,

Been there, done that. It's all part of the process, so don't be scared.

It may take trying several different medications before you find one that has the least side effects and most therapeutic affects for you. I found some made me nervous or sleepy or anxious. Some made my heart race and some just shut me down emotionally. It's all trial and error.

Well done to you on starting the journey back home. You'll get there!


Community Member

Thank you for replying I’m feel so scared right now, I’ve never felt this way.

is it normal to feel so jittery like idk if I should stop taking the medication or not. This is tough I had a good day then just felt so yuck 😞

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello KK7,

It usually takes anywhere between 4-6 weeks until the meds start working properly..I was lucky and didn’t have many side effects..I think you are experiencing some atm..

Please KK7 If you can give your Dr. a ring and let him/her know of the effects your going through..or make an appointment to chat to him/her when you can...

If you feel unsafe or need to talk to someone...Please can you ring the 24/7 number here at BB....1300224636..they are very kind and very helpful...

Please keep in touch and keep us updated on how you’re going...

My care, love, and hugs..🦋💜🤗.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi KK7,

I can appreciate you feeling scared as you've obviously never felt like this before and that in itself can be scary, I know. Just know that you'll be fine.

The first thing I would do is contact your GP, explain how you're feeling and be guided by what they say. As I'm not a GP, I can't advise you to stop taking them. Both you and your GP may find that this particular one isn't for you? Only time will tell. This is really all part of the test and try process of starting on meds.

Try jumping online and ready about the side effects of your particular medication. It'll help you understand the pro's and con's of what you're taking.

Come back to me anytime.

Your friend - Rumples

Community Member
Hi KK7,

I definitely agree in that you should seek advice from a medical professional like your GP, give them a ring and tell them what you are experiencing, for all you know it could be a really common side effect for that type of medication 🙂

I had a similar experience where my anxiety medication made me feel quite lightheaded and dizzy however after a while these side effects subsided. It might be worthwhile to keep going with the medication if that is what your GP recommends or hey, perhaps something else will work better for you! Also, sometimes it can be reassuring to read up on the medication you're taking and it's possible side effects- be well and all the best.