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My mind is racing

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone,

I guess I really wanted to vent to people who will understand. I have so many problems/ issues at the moment and in the past few days it has been so hard for me to not let those thoughts rule my mind/ life. I do have anxiety and sometimes have panic attacks. I do see a psychologist. It’s just I want to be more positive and not just focus on my problems. How does anyone on here get through that?

4 Replies 4

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Booklover,

We are listening so vent away. You’re sounding overwhelmed as well as maybe on edge too. I feel venting can be cathartic so please don’t hesitate to write about what’s bothering you...

As for wanting to be more positive, I think that’s a wonderful goal to have 🙂 Though to be fair, I must admit that I’m not the most positive person myself so I’m not sure if I have much personal wisdom to share.

That said, I have read around the forums that other people find the following helpful: daily gratitude lists and mindfulness exercises. Perhaps those are things you might like to explore...

I hope we hear from you again when you’re feeling up to it.

Kindness and warmth,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Booklover 17. It is so easy to become overwhelmed and panicked about everything that is going on. These are really simple suggestions, but I have used them for many years (I am 65). First of all, make a list of all the things which are troubling you - everything you can think of. All that worry is now transferred to a piece of paper. Go through the list, at your own pace, and see which worries you can do something about and do it. As for the other worries you can't handle at the moment, put them aside and make a resolution not to think about them for the time being. When you are in a better frame of mind, go back to the list and see if there is anything else you can do. The point is to take a horrible, generalized sense of anxiety and despair and break it down into little pieces which can be dealt by bit by bit. There is no time pressure. Even if you can cross one thing off your list then that is a breakthrough.

Second, make a list of all the things that make you feel good about yourself - all those qualities which are special to you. Are you a good friend? Do you help others? Do you play an instrument? Do you face your problems with courage? List everything you can think of that reflects your unique valuable individual personality. Keep this list somewhere where you can see it often (perhaps on the fridge) and whenever self-doubt and anxiety creep in look at the list and remind yourself that you are a valuable human being, you are stronger than you think, and you will get through this. If you don't already have one start a journal. Pour out all your worries and fears and anxieties in the journal and it will help you get them off your chest. One day you will look back on it and see just how far you have come forward.

When you see your psychologist, make some notes in advance about what you want to talk about. Use that time as a valuable tool in your process of self-discovery. Above all, believe in yourself. You will have some bad times but you will be able to get through them, and the more you do it the easier it will become to manage your issues. Believe me, I have had bi-polar disorder for 47 years and I am well and have a family and 4 wonderful children. It has been a long, long learning process, but trust me, lists and journals won't cure problems but they have certainly helped me deal with them. I wish you all the best,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Booklover,

There are a few things in your post for me.

Firstly, how to keep your mind off your problems. This can be difficult if you're at the start of some psychological care. The initial focus on problems is to know what your problems are and try to put them into perspective and recognise them as the causes of other symptoms that you may experience. There's lots of info from many about how to cope whilst having psychological care in this forum. Trying to face your problems can be difficult at first, but if you're willing to persist it will help you to change your view of these issues.

Another way is to create a distraction. A form of self fulfilment or enjoyment. This may be a hobby or simply just going to the park to get a break from your surroundings and be amongst nature.

Secondly how did I cope when I went through that? I sheltered myself from anything and everything for awhile whilst trying to make sense of these things. Extroverts cope by being amongst people or friends to get a lift. But Introverts like to be by themselves and have time in which they have their own time of self-fulfilment. So what works for one will not work for everyone. If you're home environment is the issue try and give yourself a break from it if possible, or arrange to stay somewhere else for a while so that you can make sense of you, and what you need to cope. "If you do not look after you, there is no way that you can be there for anyone else or be there for them much." Moving regions helped me to get away from people who were hurting me. Once in my new region I continued my professional care and it made a big difference. If you can identify what is triggering your panic attacks and other symptoms see if they can be addressed until you can adjust your attitude or viewpoint with the assistance of your psychologist. I'm not saying that what works for me will work for you.

You don't know unless you try.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello Booklover17 and welcome to Beyond Blue forums

Our community is caring, friendly, supportive and non judgmental, such as those who’ve responded to you already - Peps, Ellu, Irene.

My heart goes out to you as I too get anxiety and depression. That racing mind that feels so debilitating at times. However, managing the anxiety like the tips given above will help. Also, there is a thread - Tips for Managing Anxiety. Have you seen that one yet? You can find it by going to the BB search field at the top of the page and entering the thread title.

Thinking positive isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve something on your mind that hasn’t been dealt with. Talking with someone can be helpful. Do you have someone you trust, e.g. a family member or close friend?

Or perhaps, you might like to share more of your story here? No pressure for you to do so Booklover, only if you want to. Maybe something happened recently that’s set things off?

I know you don’t want to focus on the negative, but sometimes, to move on, it is necessary to drag out the dirty laundry, so it can be cleaned and hung out to dry.

Keep reaching out if you want to. No pressure. Just letting you know you’re not alone.

Kind regards