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My anxiety

Community Member

Hi I am new here. I am not sure where can I write in the forums, so end up write it in here.

I never thought i have anxiety..I did not know before since I moved to Australia, where everything my life has changed forever. 6 years ago I came to Australia I could not speak English I had to study English for a year. Then I studied in the university. Most of the units that I studied had presentation, every time i did the presentations I felt that I could not breath and move, I just stood in front of everyone like an idiot. And I felt that I’m the weakest team member. But I tried to solve this problem by preparing before. I graduated 3years ago I thought i was getting better but no.
My Anxiety is still with me and now it is ruining my life I lose confidence at work and I do not want to work. Because I am the weakest team member. I feel like if I do something wrong I will make my workmates get upset with me or hate me.

And my English is still terrible my accent is hard to understand so I am scared to talk with people at work. They might get bored at me or laugh at me. It doesn’t matter how hard I try I am still a loser.
No one understand me and it is hard to explain how I feel.

All I need is just listen to me I need someone to support me but I’m shy to ask for help.

5 Replies 5

Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Lil poppy

Welcome to the bb forum and thank you for sharing your story. I want to assure you that you have arrived at a place of unconditional support.

Your story is really a triump, unfortunately marred by illness. You should be so proud of your many achievements, learning English, graduating university and finding employment. I am, however, really sorry to hear about your experience with anxiety.

Anxiety is unfortunately a common condition. The good news is that most people recover with the right treatment. I want to encourage you to make a double appointment with your GP to talk through the issues. Your doctor will likely prepare a mental health care plan for you and refer you to a specialist.

There are many materials available on the bb website about anxiety that you can also read. Many of them carry helpful suggestions that you can implement immediately. These include getting plenty of rest, eating a healthy diet, exercising, mindfulness, etc.

Kind thoughts to you

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Lil Poppy,

You should be really proud of what you have achieved. Learning another language is not easy. Also speaking in front of others is difficult for most. Just remember that people will not even notice how nervous you are.

Also when you say you are scared to talk to people at work because you think they will laugh at you, that is your anxiety talking. I do the same thing. I think of all the negative things that might happen in a social situation. You need to try and step outside of your comfort zone. Try and be positive. Maybe just find one person to talk to? Even if its just a chat. It will help build your confidence up.

I also think you should speak to your GP if you don't feel comfortable speaking to someone else at the moment. There are some good mental health options available. I was given help with my anxiety through my GP last year.

You are not alone.

Nice to meet you and thank you for your excellent suggestions

Nice to meet you and thank you for your excellent suggestions

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hey LP. I used to be exactly the same and I know the feeling well its horrible! I used to have panic attacks every day, and speaking in public/social settings was the worst! This is totally normal though. I think it is important for you to determine: Are you a shy person, or do you have an anxiety disorder? Some people are naturally shy which is ok. You will get more confident with practice! On the other hand, if you are suffering from an anxiety disorder - you need to overcome this. What do you think?