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Morning fear

Community Member

Hello just wanted to reach out to someone who may be experiencing morning anxiety … so hard to get going alone every day feel so stuck and at my age I should have it all together but I don’t … with so much going on in the world plus the worst floods I am in a struggle for the fourth time to keep going .. does anyone else feel like this ? 

10 Replies 10

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello again Twinny, 


Volunteering work sounds like a great idea! Bob_22 has once again given some great suggestions. I volunteered for a few weeks at my local Salvos, they're always looking for volunteers so that's another option as well.


I'm also someone who prefers spending time alone, but when I do so, it can be easy to spend my time overthinking things. To feel better alone, you might try scheduling in activities each day that you know will make you happy. For me, it's having a cup of tea every morning and reading before bed. I've also recently begun journalling and trying to write down at least one thing I am grateful for each day. This helps me focus on the positives. 


Hope this helps,
