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Lost my job

Community Member

Hey, I'm not usually one for posting on forums but I feel like I have no one to reach out to about this.

Some background, I'm a 25 yo gay guy living in Victoria, originally from SA. I've lived a year and a bit after years of wanting to move and it's been a massive struggle so far. When I moved here last year, I was bouncing from job to job, struggled to make new friends and my living situation wasn't always secure. Anyway fast-forward to this year, I get a job in marketing/communications which is the field I studied, so I'm over the moon. I finally have security and I move into a beautiful apartment and finally, after working so hard I finally feel like at a place where I can be content and just live.

My job started getting a bit chaotic, the agency was very disorganised and my boss was beyond difficult. I started getting burnt out and my depression and anxiety was sky-rocketing, I wanted nothing more than to quit, but I refused to because being jobless was terrifying to me. I ended up getting sacked just two days before the end of my 6-month probation because she couldn't afford to keep my role (the company was super small, like 4 people so it was pretty unstable). I was relieved but moreso in shock. I wasn't paid out a lot, I only have enough money for five weeks here, then I will have absolutely nothing and will have to move back to SA to my parents.

I'm feeling horrible. I've worked so hard to build this life for myself and now I feel like it's going away. I've been job searching like mad but nothing is coming back to me, and even things did I will need to be hired asap, but these hiring processes can take a really long time. I have friends here, and I have an awful relationship with Adelaide. It's a place I really feel miserable because of past traumas. I know it's not the worst thing to happen to someone, but I'm feeling hopeless and that everything is falling apart. I'm terrified at the prospect of going back to live at my parents when I've spent so much energy in getting away from them.

I know this seems so juvinile, but I'm so lost and feeling so hopeless.

3 Replies 3

Community Member
Hi, I’m a newbie just joined tonight, saw your post and wanted to msg back. Reading how you were let go just before 6 months probation is sadly very common in businesses. It’s happened to me three times now even though I’ve busted my gut to show my worth and worked hard, fit in to environment I have been let go for pathetic reasons. They use you up for limited time and know they can within fairwork rules, and avoid any obligations dealing with you once past probation. Thank You Next..... Yep feels like been dumped, but it’s them it’s not you and their loss yeh 🖐🏻 Being so young could you perhaps take another job in the meantime of your goal job? Retail, waiting, event work, get RSL license perhaps or barista course. Although a step back from your preferred job, anything to help you pay the bills in the meantime. Good luck 😊

Yeah it's so annoying and it's a hard pill to swallow about how cut-throat the job market can be. I'm feeling a little better today and I also agree with you, I think I need an 'inbetween job' to get me by until I can find something I'm looking for. I find my anxiety gets bad it really distorts the way I see everything and it was telling me that I'm going to have to pack up and move back in with my parents and that I'm a big failure. I'm super-scared of that happening. I really want to stay in Melbourne so I'm really gonna try and fight for my right to stay here even if it means doing different jobs until I find my footing again.

Great to hear 😊 If you love the city and don’t want to look back then make it a mission to focus on finding a job to pay the bills and seek your profession. February is the best time for job hunting, most employees don’t hire now. But still keep looking every day. And maybe take the initiative to contact marketing businesses and give them your resume even if they’re not hiring atm. Meanwhile retail is busy over next few months. Again maybe go to shopping centres and hand out your resume. If no prior experience then don’t sweat it, it’s about having personality and great customer service that matters so express those sorts of traits about yourself. Best of luck