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Lost hope and need a friend
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I'm a girl...Narelle, 36, from Adelaide, single, unemployed, cat mum...um, what else...I probably shouldn't reveal so much, but may as well be honest, right?
I have both anxiety and depression, and am a pessimist. I have lost all my "friends" because of this and feel worthless and like giving up. I have a GP and a psychologist, but I'm not even sure the therapy (I've been going for a few years now) is working for me.
I have two favourite bands (Sixx:A.M. and Halestorm. True Violet is another on the top of my list right now) and I write band fan fiction. In the past I have depended on these two things to help me through life, but now that they're not really working, I decided to try here.
I just hope to have people to talk to, and maybe make some friends.
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Hello Music Freak and Welcome to the BB Forums.
Names W, M, 28 depression, ptsd and anxiety. Also 10 years for me too. Maybe more but definitely around 10.
anyways you'll love it here. Immerse yourself into BB Cafe and Thread Killer in the BB Social Zone. That is where you'll find so much activity and friends who are going through similar things as yourself. Lots of thread with people experiencing similar things who have many year experience and have left it here for us to read.
Please keep us informed on how you are going and we look forward to knowing more about you.
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Hello dear Narelle
I would like to say a welcome to you as well. I understand about feeling worthless, I get that feeling. And it is an awful one. But yeah, what I am learning and still need reminding of is.. it is one big fat lie. It is the depression sort of telling us this lie. But the truth is we all are uniquely precious. There is only one of you Narelle in the whole world. Just like there is only one of me. How cool is that?
So anyway how many cats do you have? I like cats and used to have a tiny little black one called Taomi
Like Will.i.am said feel free to have a look on the BB Cafe thread and the thread killer one, these threads are not so heavy like and a great place to chat or just read what other members are saying. There is also a pet thread and a couple of music ones you might like.
Shell x
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Thanks for the replies, it feels good knowing that people are here, I just hope I'm not a bore or anything 🙂
I only have the one cat, it's all finances will allow. I'd love more animals one day though
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Hello Narelle, and I add my welcome to you also.
Very briefly - I am Female (Sherie is not my real name), 57, Mid North Coast of NSW, Married, Grandma, Part Time Employment, Dog Mum (to Holly as per profile pic). I suffer from Anxiety and PTSD, chronic pain from an old injury and bouts of mild depression as a result.
Sorry to hear that you feel as though you have lost all your friends. Certainly anxiety and depression are very isolating conditions, and most people find this to be the case. Its unfortunate that your current psychological therapy is not working well for you. You did not mention being on medication for your anxiety or depression. Are you on anything at present? And if not, has your GP recommended it for you? This can be a really helpful stepping stone for people, a sort of crutch, to help them get over the 'hump' and back on track again. Medication options could be worth discussing with your GP next time you see them.
I would also recommend that you have a good read through the great array of resources available on the BB Website.
I see that you have already been on the music thread on the BB Social Zone! Good on you for that. It would be lovely to see you in the BB Cafe also. A lot of us hang out there, at all sorts of hours, and its a nice way to chat to people about their everyday happenings, etc. Lighter stuff.
As you are a cat Mum, you may also like to check out the Pet thread on the Staying Well section of the Forums. Its called "Pets - Helping you through the tough times and keeping you well". Its a feel good type of thread about our pets or wildlife in general. Definitely worth a read, and we'd all welcome a contribution from you about your special pet, your cat.
You'll find that everyone here is pretty friendly and helpful, so just jump onto any thread that interests you and post a reply. I hope you find the experience worthwhile, and I look forward to seeing you around other threads soon. You arent alone Narelle, and you certainly do not come across as a bore! (-: See you around.
Sherie xx
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I'm slowly getting into here, still nervous, but doing it anyway.
I am on meds, have been on and off of them for 10 years or so. I'm actually slowly getting into natural therapies. I've bought Himalayan salt lamps and have started researching healing crystals, if that helps even a little, it's worth it.
My cat has kept me going over the last few weeks, having to force myself to look after his well-being has been good for me, and all the cuddles have been good too 🙂
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Hi Narelle, your cat in the drawer there looks a little similar to the kitty cat that I had. Except mine was a girl. How long have you had him for? Does he get into any mischief? My Taomi used to climb up the full length of a curtain, just to get to the top. And use to follow me, if I went for a walk. She was so so cute. Your one does look pretty cuddly there!
One of my sisters use to sell salt lamps. She had a tiny room in her shop where a customer would just lay and relax, while there was a salt lamp in the room. I am not sure what it did though or how it worked. So have you tried yours, have you noticed any difference?
Hope you are OK
Shell xx
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Had him for three and a bit years, since he was 4 months old and he can be a little ratbag, but well behaved some days too.
I take him for walks around the yard on a lead and sometimes along the street. He's ripped many lace curtains, but I don't mind too much, funnily. He can be pushy at times too, his favourite place to sleep is under the bed covers under my knees, I call it his leg tent. He's everything to me and I do wonder how I'll cope when he crosses the rainbow bridge, but I try not to dwell on such thoughts too much.
I read that salt lamps are meant to repel negative energies or something. I do feel more relaxed when they've been on for a while, when I'm in bed I just stare at one and even that's relaxing. I used to meditate, so hopefully they help me get back into it.
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Hi Narelle.
Nice to have you with us on the forums.
I'm Emmy (well Emily actually), 33, Central Coast NSW, married (no little people yet want to be ok in the head). Have had anxiety and depression for about 3 years now but think I've always had it in some form.
I'm also a music lover like you 🙂 I'll look up the bands you like. I like Joshua Radin (he's my favourite artist and his music is my escape).
Your cat is so cute 🙂 Did you have to train him to walk on the lead??
Oh I love crystals and recently bought a book about Chakras. Also love essential oils too. I've been on medication for 3 years but like you i like alternate options too.
Off to look up Six am, halestorm and true violet 🙂
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Hi Narelle
Lace curtains are the sort my cat used to climb up. I think it might be the holes in the fabric, do you think? They can sort of hang on with there claws. What is the name of you cat, if it is OK to ask? Taomi use to be only friend at one time. She didn't sleep in the bed like yours, she use to like sleeping on top of a shelf. The shelf was on top of a small water heater. That was her favourite place.
Oh yes I have seen a cat walk on a lead before, well try to. ...But I don't think it liked to feel the harness thing on its back or something. It sort of slinked along.
Hope you are OK today.
Shell xx