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Just looking for some female advice and reassurance

Community Member

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to come on here and share what I am currently going through and see if anyone else has something similar they could share with me or any advice would be great.

I have generalised anxiety, I can keep it manageable for the most part but when I have my bad moments they tend to turn into days and sometimes weeks.
Recently I have been sick so I went to the doctors because I've had a cough that won't pass. He checked me out and everything was fine. Just gotta ride it out sort of thing. I thought while I'm here I'm going to grab another script for my birth control pill, saves me coming back in just for that.He started doing all these checks which got me worried. Blood pressure, weight, height etc. He takes my blood pressure every now and then when I get a new script but it's always fine and he's never done all this before. He then tells me he wants to swap me to the mini pill because I am a bigger girl which I am fully aware of. Mind you I have been on my pill for over 5 years and never had a problem with it. As soon as I left my mind has gone into a panic. I was placed on a mini pill about 7-8 years ago and HATED every moment of it. It caused me to have a constant period for 2-3 months.
I have also had friends that have had the same thing happen to them on the mini pilll.
I am comfortable what I am already taking and haven't had any problems with it, I don't understand why after all these years of giving it to me he wants to change it now? I am a tad freaking out about the whole situation.

Now my anxiety is blowing everything in my mind up 10000x.

Myself, my husband and some friends just booked an overseas trip this week for next year. You would think that would make someone so happy and excited, but me, no. Now because he wants to change my pill my mind is worried about getting blood clots from the pilll or from the flight we're going to take next year.
We did a trip to America in May this year and I was on the pill for that trip. I did have my ankles swell a bit, especially on the way back but so did my friend that was with us that is also a bigger girl and isn't on the pill. I worse compression socks on the way over but they kept rolling up and digging into my legs so I had to take them off.
I am really freaking out about this whole situation now.

How do I deal with not changing pills?
How do I deal with this travelling?

If any ladies out there have advice so I can stop freaking out that would be greatly appreciated

12 Replies 12

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Jmk22

I too am a bigger girl..I too have had this exact experience and I am not a doctor and I am sorry to go against your doctor but ....IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT....I have struggled with being on the wrong pill and it inducing anxiety and depression and all sorts of hormone related things.

My advice is either get a second opinion or ...keep doing what you have been happily doing for the past 5 years.

I am so sorry that you have been walked into this unnecessary panic and turmoil for actually no reason.

I would strongly suggest you dont change and you keep doing what you are doing and you go and have an amazing trip with your husband.

I can't wait to hear what other woman think as they will come and share their feelings too...I am so very sorry you are going through this Jmk22 but so pleased you reached out for some support, well done.

Hope to chat some more


Community Member


Thank you so much for replying! You have no idea how good it felt to read what you said.

I completely understand that there comes risks with any sort of medication and it's their job to tell you those risks but I don't like being put in the "big girl" basket when my body has proven for over 5 years this works for me.
This trip is mine and my husbands last big thing before we start thinking about kids so I plan to go off it in under a year anyway.
Change is a big thing for me with my anxiety, I don't deal with it well at all. Him doing this to me so unexpectedly has really set me off. I try to talk to my husband about it but as much as he cares he just does understand it. Especially this time being female related.

Has the same thing happened to you with the pill and doctors?

I made an appointment for Monday to go have another chat to my doctor about the situation but part of me is worried he won't give me a new script for the pill I'm currently on.

I'm home alone this weekend as my husband has gone away, being alone with anxiety gives you a lot of time to think about all those things that make it all worse. So I thought maybe reaching out to ladies on here might help settle my mind a bit, hopefully.

I am defiantly interested to hear what other ladies have to say about their thoughts and experiences.

Thank you so much for replying it means the world to me!


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Jmk

Hello and welcome to the forum. Thank you for telling us about yourself. It looks an easy thing to do but I know how scary it can be to talk about yourself in that way. It is good to reach out to lean on others at times and generally ask for support.

I remember flying to the UK many years ago and having a panic attack in the plane. The plane was fairly empty so no one appeared to notice anything and eventually it went away. I do find travelling difficult, especially on my own. I tell myself that if I want to go (somewhere) then I will need to prepare myself in advance. What helps me, what makes things worse, should I have a seat in a different part of the plane.

Mostly I am on my own so getting organised is a must. If you are travelling with family and friends and this situation or something similar crops up there is more immediate support from someone who knows you. If you feel very worried then talk about it with with your travelling companion/s. What should they do, what do you need. It is a very worthwhile exercise. Not only will it help you to relax before the trip which is always good, it will help you cope more effectively should this happen on the plane, or anywhere else for that matter.

I have found these anxieties seem to shrink once you have made a plan and even more after you find out how well it works.Preparing yourself and looking ahead to the sort of times and events that trigger you and knowing you have plans in place can make a world of difference.

Being able to give an explanation or reason for your doctor's suggestion is something I cannot do as I am not a doctor and do not have access to your medical records. However, in a similar vein, I have been given the once over about meds that I have been taking for some time. It seems to me that doctors should periodically check out how your meds are working, do they need tweaking, is there more information available which makes it better for you to try another medication.

Possibly it may no longer be safe for someone to take a medication. I know you are talking about The Pill, but the same checks should still be priodically carried out. If you are like me you are out of the door before you realise you want to ask the GP more questions. Make another appointment and write down your list of questions. e.g. what's the difference between the two pills.

I think it will give you more peace of mind to have a thorough discussion with your GP, than worry about it. Let us know how you go.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Jmk22,

I agree with Aaronsis if it's not broke don't fix it. I'd go back, prob request a different doctor and stay on your regular pill. I'm currently on no pill and have had a 3 mnth period and counting with pain and cramps and you don't want to be going through that especially on your holiday.

With the feet swelling there's not a lot you can do as it happens. One of the things you have to put up with because of flying. Unless there is something you can take to avoid this? I know elevating the feet is good but prob not possible on the plane.

Take some deep breaths...everything will be ok plus- you are going on a holiday lucky duck. I'll get excited for you.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Jmk22

We are all here for you anytime you need to chat, especially over the weekend while you are on your own. Jump on and have a chat as there are so many awesome people who are here to support you, it is my pleasure to share my experience with you.

By no means am I discounting our medical system, they are wonderful people and have so much training and expertise, however, they sometimes get it wrong and I really think that on your occasion that you don't need to change you are doing. You have had no side effects or any reason to cause concern so why change that and roll the dice.

The same thing did happen to me and I guess that they want to prevent things like stroke and blood clots and all sorts of things that can happen with any medication really, but I feel like you were there for another reason and he took an opportunity to give you the once over. Having some extra weight on us does cause extra risk, but hey..we know that don't we ..and if you are feeling fine I think leave it alone.

So I hope you can stop "freaking out" and have some comfort in the fact you know your body too and if you felt odd you would see a doctor.

How very exciting that you will be starting to think about planning your family, and as you said, you plan to go off it all together soon to do that, so not really sure why one would start a new contraceptive journey.

I say go and have your wonderful holiday with your husband, try and put this whole mess behind you, focus on the wonderful things ahead and perhaps if you still feel like you need to chat further with a doctor tomorrow perhaps request a different one and see what they think.

Chat soon


Community Member
As stupid as it sounds having someone actually reply makes me feel better. I didn't think anyone would to be honest.

Defiantly would never discount the medical system but you are absolutely right, they do it get wrong sometimes.
I guess that's why there's such thing as second opinions.

I know they base everything of your BMI. According to mine for my height I should be around 44-60kg which just seems insane to me. I haven't been close to that size since I was a child. I had a look at a BMI calculator today and even if I dropped to 80kgs I would still be considered obese which is crazy to me. This is why so many people have body issues.

It's been a great help knowing I can come on here when my thoughts are getting too much like today.
I ended up doing a puzzle for a few hours, which I find helpful sometimes. Gives me something to focus on and stops the crazy thoughts for a little. A friend asked me on a movie date tomorrow, I hesitated for a little like I always do when these feelings come up but I ended up saying yes. Hopefully I can enjoy myself.

I have an appointment to go have a chat with my doctor again. My husband said I should just explain to him how I am feeling about all this and my future plans and see what he says. If he doesn't want to let me stay on it I think I will go and see another doctor. Part of me keeps thinking oh but what if you stay on it and get a blood clot because you didn't want to change? I know that's my anxiety talking and I keep trying to tell myself, you have been on this for 5 years and nothing has happened why would it now. Easier said than done to believe that I guess.

I am defiantly looking forward to the trip. We went in a group of 5 to America/LA in May this year. My husband and I got to spend our first wedding anniversary over there which is something we will always remember.
We loved it so much 4 of us booked to go back again in May next year. This time we're going to go back to Disneyland again (we're big kids lol) and to Vegas.
I had a few BIG panic attacks before we left for the last trip. It was my first time out of the country and on a plane. I picked a big one for that. Nothing major happened. My ankles did swell both way but went down pretty quickly and I had major jet lag coming home but I know both those things are common. I was on the pill for that trip, but now my doctor has said this stuff I'm worried about being on it for the next trip...

anxiety is not fun at all

Thanks for replying!

Oh you poor thing! I know the pain of having a period with no end in site and it is NOT fun at all.
Have you found out a reason you are going through this? Mine was being changed to the mini pill when it happened to me.
I don't eat red meat so my iron is always a concern, I take supplements for it just to keep it in check. Having extended periods is not something that helps that at all.
When my doctor suggested the mini pill to me he said oh you might have irregular bleeding for a while we just need to play around with things. In my head I was like ummm no, I've been through this before. As always I hesitate and don't speak up in the moment. I go home, stress about it for days, then end up having to go back because I'm so anxious.

Have you experienced swelling with traveling before? I was told the socks help but I just found them so uncomfortable. Not because they were tight or anything, because they rolled down my legs, would stop in a certain stop then dig in. I'm thinking of trying the stockings this time but I haven't heard much about them.

Last time we were pretty crammed in as you are in economy. Plus we had a stop over in NZ on our way to LA so that made the trip longer. This time we are flying direct which cuts about 4 hours off the trip.
Plus I booked it through a friend that I went to school with, she now works for flight centre which is an added help. She found on the plane seating map at the very back there are 2 sets of just 2 seats not the standard 3. So she has put my husband and I in those. If I need I can rest my legs up on him for a little without bothering the normal 3rd person. They also have an optional extra you can pay $160 and get the seats at the front of the economy with 40% more leg room. I guess that's always an option to think about as well.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Jmk22,

They've done some tests so hopefully I will get an answer. Yeh it feels like no end in sight. It will stop for a few days and I think its over then wham...it starts up again...now 3 mnths later....still going...I'm 37 and it's the first time this has happened in my life. I've been upping my iron intake as I've felt tired.

Some docs rush you as they are so busy so you don't have that time to think and speak therefore it happens afterwards and you have to go back. Stick to your guns on this one I'd say...if in your shoes I'd keep taking my regular pill. From personal experience doc's don't always know what's best 100% of the time.

Ive experienced swelling when it's hot or on meds. I think i did while flying but finding it hard to remember now. Too long ago.

There's plenty of other threads you can join in if you like it here as well. I've been here for nearly 3 years now writing and replying to people.

Ive never been to America. I have been to Greece, Fiji, and different states of Australia though. I'm sure you'll have another great time minus the panick attacks of course.



Community Member

Sorry for the silence for a few days.
my dog unexpectedly passed away last Sunday and it’s been a really hard week for my whole family. She wasn’t just a dog to myself and my husband she was our baby. So we’ve been a whole world of grief this week. We still are really.


I pushed my doctors appointment back because of this. I just went this arvo and he won’t give me another script for my pill. He said I can pick another option. The rod, the one they insert inside you I can’t remember the name and the shot. I’m so anxious about making the change. I’m a mix of anxious and panicked right now plus on top of grieving it’s not the best head space to be in.

Have any of you had any of these?
If so did any of them completely stop your period or make it worse?

any advice would be appreciated right now