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Ive had enough

Community Member
Been suffering from anxiety for too long now. Im lying in bed all day, cant see a future and I am thinking of ending it all. Had enough of people, don't want to talk to anybody. Don't want to look anybody in the eye, don't really want to know my family anymore. Just want to go live up the country in a house and away from everything. Too tired to care anymore, bitter about being born, going through the motions. Angry at the world. Just had an enough.
6 Replies 6

Community Member


Aniexty can really distort our views and emotions, at times myself  have had thoughts of just wanting to get away and not see any one or wish I could just go to an island and escape but as the aniexty/ depression subsides so do these thoughts and feelings.

Have you seen you GP? For me I felt with my severe aniexty episodes for years before I really couldn't take it anymore, ended up in the doctors room and was put on medication that that helped me immensely, you really need to get help eles the feelings will snowball.

medication is not to be frawned upon it will help you think clearer and you can start planning for recovery hang in there, get to a GP that will help.

You WILL get thru this, how you feel now will not define the rest of your life, its just a rough patch.

All the Best!


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi there, my heart goes out to you. Anxiety is a terrible thing, debilitating & often leads to bad depression. I can relate in that I understand when you are extremely anxious-it is common to isolate ourselves & fear going anywhere or interacting with anyone. Anxiety creates isolation to the point we can end up feeling as if we are just existing in our own headspace. The hardest thing is to reach out to anyone or ask for help-but it really is the best option when you feel you've reached the end of the line. Do u think you could try one thing each day? Ie ph beyond blue, lifeline etc or keep writing on this forum for support. Do you have a GP or someone you could manage to see? I know it's eAsiest to stay isolated with our thoughts & dread leaving the house. But if you can try to do that you will have made greAt progress. There are so many of us who feel what your feeling. I've done the same thing-felt unable to leave my house or answer ph or see anyone. Do not be hard on yourself. Tiny steps. Pls consider phoning beyond blue to talk to someone, or there are other options such as GROW & a website for The BlackDog Institute in Sydney which had many resources. Whatever you do-please try make a phone call as your next step. You are not alone & will gradually get through this time as so many of us do. You are in my thoughts, you are a great person who like us all just needs some support on your journey. I hope you can take a step at a time-first one being a phonecall. Keep reaching out online as well, many of us understand what your experiencing. My best thoughts to you-mares73.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Sorry-my response was meant for "anxious guy"

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Sorry "anxious guy" - I responded to your post but it accidently went as a reply to "Moanas post". Please see my reply which was intended for you - mares73

Community Member

There is a part of your mind that is able to observe yourself thinking and feeling emotions. It is strange to explain but this part of you can stand outside of your fears and suffering. This area of self does not get emotional no matter how bad you feel. If you can find this part of your mind then you can discover something of yourself that will never feel depressed or anxious. It is easier said than done... I have just started some meds from my GP. Most people go on them at sometime or other. I tell myself that I'm having a bad stage in my life that will go away. I am not having a bad life forever. 

Community Member
Thanks to everybody who has responded (and to everybody who has read my posts so far). I have made a booking for Tuesday to see a GP who I have seen before. This will be my first step for treatment which I know will realistically be for the rest of my life. As I have said before I am seriously considering leaving my job (12 hours per week) to get on the dsp if it is possible. I simply cannot afford therapy on my wage as I am seriously underemployed and I need lifelong therapy; not 12 partly subsidised sessions which I had back in 2010. Anyway, I will keep in touch on my progress where necessary.