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Is this ostracising/bullying or just my anxiety

Community Member
I work as a teacher in a small regional school. I am and always have been socially awkward and introverted but still very passionate out my job. I am increasingly finding that staff are excluding me, ignoring me, leaving me out of organisational activities at school or given crap jobs. I was actually left behind on an excursion, staff back stab, delay doing things I need done, try to take over events that I start, don't talk to me, never offer to assist with events I put events on, play silly games of socialising in front of me and leaving me out. I just feel like it is me and my personality. I don't seem to get on with people but this is insane. I have approached my boss about feeling that I am being ostracised and he does nothing beyond referring me to a policy document on Bullying.i have been through a similar thing about 10 years ago and walked out of my job. I am not sleeping, anxious and second guessing everything. What should I do.?
5 Replies 5

Community Champion
Community Champion


It is an interesting question you raise. In conversations I have had with some they say "oh, I had anxiety for 3 days". And then there is myself who was told that I had severe anxiety and depression. So there are probably two ways of tackling the issue. The first is to try and do it yourself and the second is via professional help. Or both.

The min,I think, is good at playing tricks on us. It can make us think things that are not necessarily true. I say that my irrational thoughts become rational. At least in my head.

On the forum you will find threads on relaxation, grounding and mindfulness. These threads contain ideas from other users on what works for them. If you find these do not work for you then maybe explore the idea of professional help.

Talking and writing are also useful methods for analysing a problem. Whether that is here, or with a friend. You have the benefit of feedback and support.

Lastly, you said you weren't sleeping well. My psychiatrist explained the importance of sleep and sleep hygiene and good sleep practices. It can make a difference wrt to anxiety and depression. And this also relates to whether you go to sleep with thoughts racing around your mind or whether are calm? In myself, I found that all these things were inter-related. And it becomes a viscous circle or spiral down.

But if you can identify the triggers and have the appropriate distraction tools it becomes more manageable.

Wishing you well,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Forgot to add... I did not comment on the bullying part as I am not well versed to talk about that. I would say that if the anxiety possibility can be resolved (as best as possible) it would only leave the other items that you mentioned in your email.

And the back-stabbing part that you spoke of does not sound very nice.


Community Member
Omg Stina, I feel your pain, teaching is such a demanding highly stressful job I just don't understand the mentality of our colleagues making it even harder. We should be there for each other, supportive and understanding, Taking time to make sure we have each others back. We can't all be friends but it costs nothing to be inclusive, to smile, to ask if you're ok. I'm tired of the cut throat dog-eat-dog and toughen up mentality in our profession. Your situation sounds toxic, I wish I could reach across and give you a big hug. Please be strong, reach out and never for once think its your imagination. Sometimes anxiety can magnify situations but please join the teachers Union asap, also call the ethics board, the department can put you in the right direction. You need support and you're not getting it from leadership xx

Community Member

Thank you for your support. I thinks it's called mobbing where a group target you and try to drag you down. I try to escape to the classroom to avoid the crap but it still gets in your head. I have a constant band of a stress headache. This is a catholic school btw.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Stina2,

It does sound like it may be well worth trying to pursue the bulling legislation through different channels.

If you don't mind me asking, do you see a counsellor or psychologist to help you with your anxiety and stress?

Is it possible to contact WorkCover and put in a claim with them regarding the bullying and anxiety? If the organisation is aware of what is happening they may be able to assist you in some way.

Bullying is illegal, hopefully you will find the support you require!

Do you have hobbies and interests outside of school that you like to do?

Wishing you all the best in finding answers! Cheers from Dools